Thursday, August 6, 2020

Pandemic and Panic

The coronavirus pandemic has attacked the world as we know it with mass infections and deaths. Over 150,000 Americans have died within the course five months with millions infected. Our government and president have done a very poor job of mitigating the spread, as false information is spread against what the infectious disease experts tell us what needs to be done. Also, the so called privileged "Americans" feel that they have the right to do as they want. This includes younger people of all races,  and those who have been informed that "me first" is the way to go. Even as senior citizens and minorities continue to die at an alarming rate. For many people the stress of the outbreak and its impact on housing, joblessness, and the economy is causing a severe sense of panic.

Panic is defined as "sudden uncontrollable fear or anxiety often causing wildly unthinking behavior." Certainly the sense of impending doom or death from this terrible disease can trigger panic attacks. The fact that millions of Americans have lost their jobs and their income, and their government has failed to help them would constitute a time for panic. When you can't feed your children or possible have a home can definitely be considered impending doom. 

My wife has always been a germaphobe, which is to our advantage, during a time like this. It is also a big trigger for panic, as she often does, as news is reported on the dire situation our country is in today. Each report on deaths and possible ways to get the virus feeds her already negative nature towards life. Every activity no matter how small could lead to infection, even those that the scientist have identified as having a very low risk. Just dealing with it everyday is stressful in and of itself. We are fortunate in the fact that our income has not been affected, but only the need to socially distance, However, that means isolation together almost 24/7. Life begins to take on a groundhog type of existence.

During this time I tell myself that it is not time to panic and try my hardest to reassure my better half. I truly believe that I have been blessed and it is reaffirmed everyday as I see and read of the suffering of others. Fear is not a bad emotion. It is put there in us, so that we can make the proper decisions in difficult or harmful situations. The key is being able to overcome the fear while not being controlled by panic. I can only imagine the panic of someone without income after working most of their lives, and seeing their lives slipping away from them with nothing they can do, I once was told that if you worry, just pray. And if you pray, don't worry.  With the pandemic being out of our hands, I think we should all worry, but don't panic. And definitely PRAY.