Monday, December 26, 2022

Is your house a home?

 When I retired a few years ago my wife and I decided to downsize and relocate to Tampa Florida. We enjoyed the city with its weather, beaches, attractions, restaurants and all-around livability. We moved into a two-bedroom condo in a gated community, made some renovations and I was pretty happy. I didn't take long for me to see that this would not be our retirement home for long. My wife became fascinated with the thought of selling or renting the condo to make money. My house was no longer a home but an investment. Now I like making money s much as anyone, but as I have told my wife on many occasions real estate has no attraction for me. While she scanned realtor apps and housing in Tampa I went along because I want to support her interests, as we are a team. 

After living in the condo for a and a half, and managing our funds to pay off the mortgage, her itch to move reached its peak. We had been walking in the neighborhood park during the pandemic year and had watched a group of townhouses being built. After they were completed, we had to see what they looked like inside. My wife loved them, even though they were three stores with steps and cost twice as much as the condo had cost. She convinced me it would be a great "investment" (which it was) and we could rent out the condo to help pay the higher mortgage. Now that we have furnished it, I really like my "home" and enjoying living in it.

However, once again it is not treated like a home, as talk revolves around what we can make when we sell it. Because of the housing market here in Tampa, both the condo and the townhouse have appreciated considerably. However, I cannot be comfortable with every decision and topic of discussion geared around selling. Every trip out is peppered with looking at houses and what might be for sell. Seating, flooring, painting, appliances are all highlighted by what it means to a seller versus what it means to me. Because of the size of the townhouse and the fact that my wife it pretty much a control freak who feels that she has to do everything, makes it hard to just relax. Everything in terms of cleaning is exaggerated. And everything must be in the place. For I guy I think I'm pretty neat and organized but usually I'm the somebody who has or hasn't done something.

Well, we'll probably be moving again in a few years. A process I dread but will be necessary. I don't have many years left, but I'm sure my final "home" will be great, as long as I my project motivated wife still tolerates me being me.