Friday, January 8, 2016

War on Terrorism

Well it looks like the terrorist have won. We named this fight against Al Qaeda as a war against terror since their efforts were designed to scaring us into changing our ways or die. Well with the war going on for over 14 years they have done that. The attack on 9/11 was not an act designed to take over the USA but to bring it down and create a regime change. With that we went into a financial recession, developed a homeland security group which now challenges all our freedoms, and a political structure that is inept and gridlocked.

Internal or home grown terror has us in such a grasp that individuals are buying guns in massive numbers and everyone is gripped with the fear of the next terrorist attacked on innocent civilians. Just a simple phone call to the press or any public establishment threatening an attack can bring cities and establishments to their knees. Whole school districts can be shut down. Public transportation is guarded like military  headquarters just to give the public the perception that they are being protected. And it will never be safe to go to a movie, work, or anywhere without some thought of a possible attack from "someone."

The terrorist have been successful in removing one of our most precious right. The right to the pursuit of happiness and the freedom to live without fear in our country. While we may be winning against ISIS to some degree, we have already lost the war and probably will never be the same as a country again.

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