Monday, March 28, 2016

Dining with Donna

My wife comes from a family of cooks. Her mother, her sisters , and even her nephew are all excellent chefs. Donna, my wife is also quite gifted in the kitchen. She has had her own bakery where she and her mom turned out some delicious desserts. She is also a fan of Hell's Kitchen and Master Chef on TV. She has her own website called Mealfare, where she blogs about food, showing dishes from various restaurants from around the city of Louisville and wherever we may visit during our travels.

Dining with Donna though is an experience. First of all. she has very high standards. It doesn't matter if we are at a white table cloth establishment or the local McDonald's. Everything had better be right with her order. Of course one must take pictures before eating to ensure that we capture the moment. good or bad. This critical eye, while well justified, can be somewhat distracting from have a relaxing dinner. And it always seems to be her food where issues occur. I don't know whether I'm just more accepting for good versus perfection, even though I know I'm not one of those people who Donna claim "will accept anything", especially when they are paying "good money" for it.

Many a waiter has felt her critique regarding old lettuce, cold food, micro waved items, and a host of other issues. All well founded and given with the intent on getting what see pays for and to let the chefs and management know how their patrons feel. We have had some outstanding dining experiences but I am still waiting for that meal where everything is perfect. 

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