Tuesday, November 15, 2016

We got Trumped

After a very nasty primary, in which things were said and actions taken more out of a reality show than a presidential campaign, the reality show boss won the Presidency of the United States of American. Donald Trump with no political experience of "any" kind beat out the ultimate Washington insider Hillary Clinton. Many were shocked and amazed by this feat. But I was not. Living in the country we live in, and having studied its beginnings and history (not necessarily the one taught in school) it is quite understandable. While I am sorry for the outcome I don't think that America will go down in smoke under Trump or that the sky will be falling. After all we got through the George Bush years, and he was even close to being the man for the job either.

While things have been better for "America" under President Obama, he was not able to bring about the change that people so desperately wanted after eight years of Bush and the recession that was created.  
The Bush's (both) had failed them,. Clinton had failed them, and now Obama had failed them (even though the majority of that came fro Republican obstructionism). No wonder that didn't want to see another political family insider in the White House again. It also didn't help Hillary to have the email scandal going on, but even worst was the fact that Americans really don't like to see their elective officials becoming wealthy, while in office to serve them. At least Trump had his own money which he got the old fashion way, from his family and building a successful business. In a society that values the rich and famous he was a nature, even if he had a great deal of personal faults on display.

The media got it dead wrong as they always go with the front runners and the establishment. Most of the people that they didn't poll were just tired of being tired. I don't think that Trump has anything in common with the average American citizen, and becoming President won't change that. But he has some ideas that he will try, just because he can and believes in them. Some will benefit a large group of people and others will hurt a large group of people. As the country continues to be divided by race and economics, that's just the way it is. Will race relations get better,will immigration and  the lives of those immigrants here get better, and will the economic gap between the rich and the poor get better? I think the answer to all of these questions are no. Trickle down economics has been proven not to work over the long haul and minorities are here to stay. This law and order President will also be visible in the country that already has the largest incarceration rate in the world.

No need to cry now. Our country has spoken and while the government is no longer divided (the Republicans will be in control of all three branches) the people still are. It was not the deplorables that gave the election to Donald Trump, it was the barber, the unemployed factory worker, the soccer mom, the educated, and the uneducated women and men of our country looking for a change. Hasn't that always been the case of America and its form of democracy.

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