Monday, March 6, 2017

Make America White Again

Yes I said it. Isn't that the thought of a lot of Americans today? When I hear our President say "let's make America Great Again" this is what I actually believes he and his supporters are really thinking. Don't they believe that America was great when there were fewer minorities for whites to take care of or show them their superiority. I can understand why even those Americans who called themselves racially unbiased believe that under the liberal Demoncratic agenda, they are not getting their fair share of the American Dream and have been neglected by their government.

Farmers and people in rural areas don't see life getting better and they remember when it was. Why should we take care of immigrants when we have failing schools, can't pay their bills, and moving I no poverty. It is time we have someone in charge, someone white, who will stand up for white people. We are no longer the land of prosperity and shouldn't take care of the world, but take care of us.

Unfortunately, people of color and the poor are not really considered us. I realize that African Americans want to see change. Many of them wanted President Obama to be our savior instead of our president. If they truly believed that Hillary Clinton was corrupt, that is their right. However, to believe that we are headed in a direction which will be uplifting for minorities is just hard for me to believe. Presidents can set the tone but cannot save anyone. Immigrants that are Hispanic or Muslem will be treated similar to  African Americans when America was great.

Our President shows little regard for his predecessors and any of their actions to bring the country out of the Great Recession, even while the Republicans main objective was to thwart a President Obama every move. There was no attempt for bipartisan work for the American people. Even now with the Republican Party in power his own agenda towards making America white again and internally focused will meet resistance from both sides. With a cabinet of older, rich white men and military personnel the Trump legacy has it's own agenda to rewrite the US government. Term limits would go along way to do this, but that doesn't seem to be of interest. 

What we considered to be administrative ethics or good policy are no longer standards for this President. He is white, rich, empowered, and doing it his way. The way of the right wing, the aryan brothers, and those who just want to stick it to the man. We will just have to see if  this is an Andrew Jackson, a Ronald Reagan, or a Richard Nixon moment in our history.

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