Monday, May 1, 2017

Waiting for a motive

I guess I'm just getting cynical but it always strike me as strange when listening to the news and I find headlines like "A man attacks individuals at a school, killing one and injuring four others". The individual was killed by the police and we are "waiting for a motive to be determined." Usually the information is available about the perpetrator and their victims. A white male who selectively kills blacks and Hispanics, a black man who kills random whites, whites killing Muslims, and Muslims killing whites. When these are needless and senseless killing the motive in my mind is simple. It is hate. In our country it is illogical to believe that there are not people who believe they are superior to others or have a profound disdain for members of other races, creed, or color.
Our country was founded on the proposition that all men, [basically financially affluent Anglo Saxon males"] are created equal. Not women, not people of "any"  other color, sexual orientation, and yes even religion. While blacks have fought from considered being less than human in our country, the underlining feeling in our country his that there is no equality. Sure we had our first African American President for eight years, but rather that bring things together this seems to have split the country more apart. Those in power decided that they would do everything in their power to try and assure that he did not succeed, even at a cost to the country.
We now have a. society where the  motive for many people is very clear. Our President demonizes immigrants, as if we aren't all immigrants in this great experiment. He speaks of what has. Been lost since "America was great" and the rich got richer while the poor got poorer. Stop trying to cover up and soften the truth about the racial and economic divide in America.

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