Monday, September 11, 2017

Grandparents Day

Yesterday was September 10th on the calendar and was indicated as Grandparents Day. Of course you have to old school and have a printed paper calendar to see this. I don't know who designated this day to celebrate grandparents, but it must have been someone important. Since all my grandchildren probably have never used a printed calendar  as opposed to their cell phone, none of them (or their parents) where aware of this important day. Therefore we did not receive a single shout out let alone a card. That is to be expected since the card makers, particularly Hallmark, do not promote this holiday with specialty cards like mothers day and fathers day.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want nothing for myself, but my wife deserved better, considering all she has done for the children and their kids. I don't blame them, it is just a function of the commercialized society we live in. If there's no money to be made there is nothing to promote. September 11th is also a special day. As we honor all the people who died from the horrific terrorist attack sixteen years ago. Each year we recognize those who lost their lives including the many first responders. This is marked on my printed calendar as Patriots Day with, but I doubt if people call it that. To most everyone it is just 9/11.

I'm sure as I visit my calendar I will find many days designated to events and ideas which have been forgotten or need to be renewed. Both grandparents and those first responders help to keep our country strong.

Saturday, September 2, 2017

I'm exhausted

Watching television and the events of the world are "exhausting." Primarily keeping up with the President and the soap opera that's going on at the White House is very tiring. Last month alone there must have been a new story or "breaking news" each day.

There is the never ending story of the Russian collusion story, including both Trump's son and son-in-law, along with a cast of others  from the campaign. Each day something new turns up or some new deflection. A major event was the white supremacist rally in Charlottsville, which was supposedly based on the debate about removing confederate statues. With neo Nazi's and Klu Klux Klan members in the ranks, violence erupted   and am innocent woman was killed, along with two state troopers who were in a helicopter there for crowd control. The woman was run down along with several other anti white supremacist protesters by one of the racist  protesters. In the aftermath of this tragedy our President waffled back and forth his message about the event. Reading a written statement which anyone could see was not heartfelt he denounced the Nazi's and Klan. But off script he said there were good people in the group and that the anti Nazi protesters were also violent.

When rebuked for this he went on the defense. A few days later with another tirade about the situation and the fact that there were good people there. Not willing to irrevocably denounce that those in the protest were in no way representative of who we are as a country. He spoke of protecting the statues as if it was the main issue when it was clearly racism. After a confrontation with the press he went on to express that it is the fake news that is "picking" on him and in some way is responsible for misrepresenting him. In a campaign rally the next week this came out clearly with more falsehoods about what had happened and what had been said.

Other  breaking news included the proclamation by the President that transgender individuals will no longer be allowed to join the military. The pardon of the Arizona sheriff ( Joe, that's all the ink I will give him) who openly practiced racial profiling and the detaining of Hispanics. The court ordered him to stop the practice and he refused. He was then sited for contempt of court. Now keep in mind that there hadn't even been a trial or sentencing. So he was pardoned before he was ever sentenced or served any time. That was just a message to say that the President felt that he was doing "his job" in the way he felt appropriate, and forget the law and the judges. Oh by the way alt right strategist Steve Bannon is out at the White House (what). 

The government also needs to set a budget to keep running and a debt ceiling. The President is threatening not to sign anything that does not provide money for the "wall" between Mexico, which he originally said Mexico was going to pay for (LOL) . On top of all this North Korea is acting a fool  and launching missiles just for the hell of it and the country has just had the most catastrophic natural event, Hurricane Harvey, in modern times. Billions of dollars in flood damages in Texas and Louisiana, tens of thousands of homes destroyed and citizens in shelters. The sacrifices they will now endure and the lives lost is almost overwhelming. 

This is not all of it and just one month. I am watching a great nation crumble before my eyes. I'm exhausted