Saturday, March 30, 2019

Hail the King

I have tried to stay away from political post, but I felt in the mood today. The Mueller Report is out and per the Attorney General's summary, after almost two years there was no collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians. Let me first say that I never believed they would find or be able to prove any collusion, since I don't believe that Trump, his family, or campaign personnel were smart enough or dumb enough to do something like that. Anyway, now our reality show president can get on with his quest to become King. 

Throughout his life, Trump has been a bully and a malcontent over his station in society. Developed an organization with him being at the head, and anyone not getting on the train would be destroyed. He considers himself the ultimate winner, even when he or others lose big time. Almost all his ventures have been grand gestures which have either ended in bankruptcy or failure. However, he typically comes out on the plus due to the way he wheels and deals, and destroying those that played the game with him.

However, you have to admire him for being able to sale his game to America. Even though Obama dis not have a scandal before , during , or after his presidency, everything he did was wrong for the country according to Trump and his backers. Time to make America great again by isolationism, breaking trade agreements, penalizing immigrants, building a wall around us, where he is King and in control of his own private country.  A man who has never served, been a working class stiff, been in any political office now claims to know more than our generals, intelligence agency, and all members of congress. This was a massive feat to accomplish and he pulled it off with ease.

Mexico didn't pay for the wall, health care was not repealed and replace (and not even fixed), tax cut (mostly for the wealthy) and deficits soaring (a major problem when talking about Obama), and N. Korea still has nuclear weapons. America at some point in time the chickens will come home to roast and at my age I probably won't live to see the worst of it, but my children and grandkids probably will.  There is an old saying, 'be careful for what you ask for, you just might get it". Based on the trajectory of state of America we will probably have another term for King Trump, and then he will leave as he always have, leaving us holding the bag.

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