Monday, April 20, 2020

Social Distancing

For me 2020 will be known as the year of the Coronavirus pandemic in the United States. This was the year that everything changed in our society. A new term came into existence called "Social Distancing". With the virus killing thousands of people worldwide and no cure, non medical action was needed to slow down the spread of the disease. Things as simple as washing your hands 
regularly, not touching your face, sanitizing surfaces, and staying away from others.

With social distancing people are expected to stay indoors, and if they are out they should stay a distance of at least six feet from each other. No groups larger that five to ten are allowed to gather together. Also, wear a mask while out in public is recommended. Many feel that this is infringing on their democratic and god given rights. After all we are a "society" that is built on social interaction.

This had not been quite a dramatic change for me, particularly since I have had a six month preparation period. Last year in 2019 my wife and I sold our big home in Louisville, KY and move to Tampa, FL with no jobs (retired) , no family, and no friends living there. We downsized, went to one car, and had been living together since then. We went everywhere together and got accustomed to be inside together with just each other, similar to what the "stay at home" orders demand now. Yes, we did get out, go to festivals, museums , a restaurants, but basically we were socially distant. Seeing that my wife was a germaphobe before the outbreak has been a plus for us now. She is used to not shaking hands, not touching doors and banisters while out in public, and definitely keeping the house disinfected. 

It is hard on her to not be social. especially without her family here. She got into the habit of talking on the phone with her mother almost daily, as well as her daughters. Since she likes to talk this fills in time. She also enjoys cooking, so a lot of time is spent in the kitchen coming up with new dishes and trying recipes. Being together has also shown me that me attempts to help or do anything in the kitchen are usually rebuked. Therefore I have learned to stay out, since I can't even load the dishwasher to her standards, and I definitely don't put things away in their proper places. 

We have been married for over twenty years now and as soulmates I have learned to listen, while my wife is the conversationalist in this relationship.  We have our own little society going right now as we wait for the new world order to come.

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