Friday, May 29, 2020

Have You Got 2020 Vision?

When you take a look at the year 2020 how do you see it? Are you farsighted, nearsighted? Do you have stigmatisms or cataracts? Or do you see clearly. There is so much going on in America that the divide between people and what they believe is greater than ever before.

Let's start with our President that has divided us the most. My eyes see a person with very little moral capital, a great deal of prejudice and racial bias, a narcissist who has a need to win at any cost and be praised by everyone. I see a conman with little empathy for the common man and a desire to rule as supreme commander. A person who has never served anyone's cause accept himself, yet has been able to convince a great deal of people that he is working to keep them in power. Supporting the growth of the rich and capitalism over sharing the prosperity of the greatest country on earth with the less fortunate. While his TV ads say he is not Mr. Nice Guy, he just does things his way, and get's things done, he really has accomplished little and has torn down a lot without better options that help anyone else but those in power. His handling of the hurricane disasters and the coronavirsus pandemic demonstrated his incompetence, and have led to the death of thousands of Americans. And he uses his position to remove from office anyone who does not share his views particularly the inspector generals of agencies, who are there to watch out for the peoples interest in an apolitical capacity.

However there are those who see a savior. A man telling truth and not being taken advantage of by liberal Democratic politicians. A man who is tough and will "tell it like it is" and get what we deserve.Other countries will not take advantage of the USA anymore. We will rule again. The white race here in America made this country and they are not going to give it up to immigrants , blacks and hispanics. He has exposed the lies of the government and we are going to do things his way to bring the white America back to greatness. The stock market believes and proves it. We need the wall to hold back the flow of immigrants into our country. They are taking or jobs (even though these are jobs we don"t or will not do) and are criminals. Just like African Americans they are thugs and lazy people looking for a hand out. He has exposed Obama and the Democrats of trying to tarnishes his victory as President and he'll be showing how much crooked things were going on in the government before he arrived. 

I feel a sense of sorrow for what has become of our country. While there was plenty to fix this year and the whole last four will set us back so far from maintain and becoming the best place of earth to live. I see how blessed we and I am blessed to live here, when I see scenes from the middle east, Africa, South America and almost everywhere in the world. The war on poverty didn't work here and it hasn't worked for the world. I do know that as we move away from clean water, air and food regulations we get closer everyday to not only climate change but also world poverty. The divide between the have and the have not's will widen and millions will suffer. Race wars and violent outbreaks will continue and move to the breaking point for our country. Our justice system is broken and the people in power in both parties have no way to fix it, Our infra structure is crumbling as we look to keep funds in the hands of corporations.

My heart suffers and my mind is taxed by the killing of African Americans by those who are supposed to protect us. The police, and not all of them, has been empowered by the President and his Republican cosigners to take out their frustrations and racist fears on people of color. White privilege has taken on a whole new level. These things remind me of the civil rights tragedies experienced in the 1960's. Make America Great Again has Made America Hate Again. Protesters of these criminal racist acts are called thugs and should be tear gased and shot, while while Americans can be armed with assault weapons and storm a government building unharmed, and called good citizens who want their rights to get a haircut and go to a bar during a pandemic. All African Americans want is the right to live and not be killed by police. And those African Americans who can still support Trump because he says he is having the Justice Dept look into the killing, I feel sorry for. These may be the same people who said Obama didn't do anything for African Americans, as if he was supposed to be our savior. Obama made life better for "all Americans" and tried to end the racist feelings, but it is hard to do when the Republicans gained power and vowed to obstruct everything he tried to do.

History will tell what kind of  glasses you wore during 2020. The election is coming up in November and we will see which way our country will move. It get better or worst. Will our democratic institutions be torn down? Will we be part of a global world or not? Will we have one party rule or will we have checks and balances in our government? Will racism and economic inequality tear us apart? I can only hope for the sake of my grand kids that we make the right choices.

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