Well, the 2024 election is over, and the country has decided that they want to make America great again and that means bringing back Donald Trump as President. His agenda against the progressive left Democrats and drive forward with an army of followers who claim to be right wing ideologist has been successful. I still find it hard to believe that the average American who is suffering, through no fault of their own, can believe that Donald Trump represents the common man and their needs. As a Democrat I do not dislike Donald Trump because he is a Republican and we must defeat them politically. I dislike him because I believe he is a morally corrupt individual and a conman. I agree with fiscal conservatism and human liberalism. When he talks about making America great again, what he actually means is an America "ruled" by white males in control. There is no room for any African American, immigrants of color, LGBTQ individuals, or opposition ideas.
He riled on illegal immigration, which I agree was out of control. However, both parties have been pushing this problem down the road for years. The system is broken and was never fixed to allow people to enter the country legally, obtain a work visa, and then become a citizen in a reasonable period of time. Instead, they cross illegally and are allowed to work and establish families under the threat of deportation daily. Who will take on the jobs that Americans don't or won't do in farming, construction, and service industries. The drug trade fueled by the insatiable demand from Americans has made criminal gangs and empires prosper here. Now we are looking at mass deportation, which only be a catastrophe of human suffering and a hugh expense for the public.
Trump has always wanted to be accepted into the "billionaires" club and now he has galvanized these people around him because of the power he has obtained. They laughed at him in his private life for his wanna be attitude and will use him now to their own ends. He immediately has gone about dismantling the checks and balances and controls put into place to protect our democracy. The Supreme Court has given him immunity for acts that he performs in office whether they are against the law or not. He is removing anyone or any policy that were against him during and after his first term in office. He is filling positions not based on qualifications, but on loyalty to him.
Our constitution was based at least on the promise that all men are created equal. This has never been the case in America and that's when Trump felt that America was great. The elimination of diversity, equality, and inclusion programs in the government and the corporate world sets back the achievement of this promise to pre 1960s. This decision will not only hurt minorities but also women, poor whites, and a whole generation of our children. This is one of the ways tyrants and dictators take over countries. Misinformation is rampant, dissenters are prosecuted, silence the media, and those with money control public policy to their advantage.
It is hard not to be a person with pantophobia, but I still believe that God is on the throne and that some good will come from those that do things for evil. Perhaps the tariffs will work, and the economy will improve, and hopefully for everyone. Perhaps Trump's threatening manner will result in some ceasefires around the world and cause for pause by the dictators already in place. My job is to manage my life and my family during a period of unrest, both internally and externally. Hopefully climate change won"t take us out first.
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