Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Birthday

Well today was my birthday. I wasn't looking to do anything but lay back and relax. But my years of experience told me that that woud not be the case. Two of my grand daughters MaKayla (13) and Makenna (8) had come to spend the weekend with their pawpaw. After spending an evening of watching NCAA basketball we all settled in for the night.

 After sleeping-in late into the morning 9:30 a.m. I arose to get my morning cup of caffee and read the paper. I was greeted by two birthday cards from my beautiful wife and the girls. After my wife came down to the kitchen I was treated to a breakfast of eggs, toast, and grits. So far so good.  I then recieved a phone call from my brother and mother both wishing me a happy birthday. We all were entertained by the fact that I had made it this far.

Now the fun begins. I need to make a trip to Walgreens. So I am accompanied by Makenna. She is very sharp and knows that any trips out of the house could lead to her getting soemthing either to eat or play with. At Walgreen after I hve obtained the selected items the search begins in the toy aisle for her items. I finally am able to reduce her wish list down and escape with only the purchase of a bag of balloons  for which animals can be made, a can of Pringles, and three dvds from the Red Box.

Upon our return everyone is moving about and I am informd that our youngest daughter and family want to take u out for dinner. I am requested to come up with a restaurant I would like to have dinner at. Of course I now must consider a family establishment because there will be four adults and four children ranging in age from 13 to 1 years old. Since I really don't want anything for myself I continue to avoid this topic and indicate that anywhwere will be fine.

Since it is my birthday people feel obligated to do something with me. Our oldest daughter now shows up to wish me happy birthday and provides me with a $40 gift card to the Cinemark movies. A thoughtful gift. She stays briefly with her 2 year son Sam and then depart for a lovely day by themselves. Since we have the girls it now becomes apparent that a trip the to movies is in order. Now what would I like to see. Maybe  an action movie like Battle for LA but with the kids, and because I don't want anything for myself, we venture off to see Rango.

At the theater we spend the entire $40 gift card and an additional $14 to ensure that everyone has popcorn and a drink. After the movie, my wife informs me that see has some Kohl's cash which is about to expire. Maybe we should stop in case there might be a shirt or something I want for my birthday. Of course this is not in my plans, since I don't want anything for myself, but I know it will make her happy.

Once again Makenna and MaKayla see this as a great chance to perhaps pick up a few things. My wife immediately sees that MaKayla's jacket is too small and also sees the 60% of rack. So we get a jacket for her. Makenna, who has now found a small shopping cart decides to take me with her as she informs me that she knows where her items are located. She pickes out several tops and another piece, which I don't know how to describe. We then meet up with the others in our party and head for the checkout with several items which my wife feels are needed. About this time they ask me don't I want anything, particularly sine granny is buying. Little do they know that granny and my money are the same and it still would be me buying my own gift which I really don't need right now.

It is now getting colder and we head home. Makayla is blowing up balloons in the back seat which are bursting and all is well. At home at last, after missing the Division II championship basketball game I prepare to watch the first of two NCAA sweet sixteen games on TV. But the call comes in and the decision has been made to go to Famous Dave's for dinner. Oh goody. So we pack up and head out to meet my up with our daughter at the restaurant. Since this is a Saturday evening now, Famous Dave's is packed. We are told the wait will be close to an hour. We sit in the outer seating area in th cold waiting for the rest of our party. Finally our turn comes and we are seated. Rae and her family arrive about at the time we are seated.

All is good as we feast on ribs, chicken, corn and other savory items. After dinner we hit the road for home again and low and behold it is snowing in March. I seem to remember that it was 80 degrees last week. After reaching home, and only having to say stop six time during the ride, it is time to settle in for the night. Luckily I DVR'd the late game and was able to watch the entire UConn vs Arizona game. UConn wins the game. It is now time for my wife to wash MaKayla hair so that we can be presentable for church tomorrow.

I try to hide in my office for a brief period of alone time but even as I am writting this Makenna is here with me asking me what I am doing and why, how to use the ab roller, and saying "pawpaw watch this, watch this, watch this"  I really love her!!!!!

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