Friday, December 23, 2011

The Apprentice

Our eight year old granddaughter Makenna (The Con Artist) has been spending the week before Christmas with me and my wife. She conned her way out of school early after the Christmas pageant to come home with us and hasn't left yet. So for seven days she has been the apprentice of a professional shopper, my wife.

Things started off slow. She had to have a few extra clothes, since she didn't bring anything with her. This led to a trip to Target for a hooded jogging suit, socks, slippers,some new underwear, and because the weather was a changing a fur lined hooded coat and ear muffs. Of course while they were out she also participated in the process of picking up a few things for her brother and sisters who were not able to speak for themselves.

Each day after this, the apprentice went out into the world of the mall and observed the high level experience of Christmas shopping with a pro. In the house came toys, electronics, clothes and a variety of gifts for all our children and grand kids. At the end of each day I could hear the phrase of "I like shopping" being echoed from the apprentice with awe. Needless to say, she had no real concept that when Granny was buying these things using cards and coupons, that no money was changing hands, and that Paw Paw would be actually paying for them later.

As she showed off her purchases and who was getting what, money was not an issue. I tried in vain, even showing her my empty wallet, that I didn't have any money. It is difficult to describe how consumer credit works to an eight year old, after watching the master shopper at work.

However, this all has a silver lining. Since I hate to shop, and my wife knows this, I was left free to stay at home and wrap presents, watch TV, and remain stress free throughout this whole period. I also knew and could easily see that my wife came back from the mall a lot less stressed when she went with Makenna, than she ever would have been with me. I also had the time to go out on my own and buy the few gifts that I was specifically tasked with getting.

The Apprentice will go home tomorrow, with a great experience to remember. She will also have a heads up on all her brother and sisters gifts. We will see if she can keep the secrets.

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