Sunday, April 22, 2012

For Richer or Poorer

It is hard to watch the demise of our great country, but I feel that is what is happening. I see a lack of moral integrity, values and an attitude of you against me at every level. Our justice system is broke along with our legal system. Systems in general such as education, government, business, infra structure, and the list goes on and on, have taken a back seat to racism, politics, and greed.

The most prosperous country in the world, the land of the free, has more people incarcerated than any other country in the world. More than 2.4 million. The cost of housing an inmate in America for a year , $60-$80 thousand depending on where you live, would pay for another teacher, policeman,or a fireman. How about a serious government war on poverty,so that in the most prosperous country in the world all children can have a decent meal everyday.

The USA has had many causes during my life. Most have been implemented by rich Republicans. Richard Nixon, or tricky Dick, started the war on drugs in the sixties and we are still paying for it today. This is when the prison rates began to increase, and what happens when you don't have a plan that is well thought out. There was Ronald Reagan and his trickle down economics. It did just that, trickled down and some where left without entirely. Most recently have been the Bush's, father and son. The son was the worst of the two and I'm sure history will prove me right. The war on terror. Ill conceived, costing billions, making many rich folks richer, with no end in sight. Cut the  taxes, raise the spending, hide  the theft. Wall street went wild with the ability to make the rich richer, as they turned a blind eye, and scam the rest of the population.

I don't really understand how the party that was in power when all this was going on can blame anyone else, and say that they have the answer to fix the problem they created. Even if things haven't turned around completely,the idea of saying  we should have let the banks fail, or let the auto industry fail, or let millions go without health care has to be the rhetoric of the rich who are not worried about for their families.

President Obama has accomplished, at least in my mind, many things during his first term. A term that started with the worst possible state of affairs any president outside of Franklin Roosevelt ever had to handle. His quest to increase revenue, reduce the debt and create jobs to help average Americans, has been met with disrespect from the beginning, with the yelling out in his "first" state of the union address with "you lie." How would George Bush and his gang have reacted?

Anyway it's not about Mitt Romney,President Obama, Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservative, Black or White. It's about haves versus have nots plain and simple, and it is getting worst. It's about my grand children Yasira, Daquan, Makenna, and what kind of America they will live in. Will it be no longer one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. What do you think?

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