Sunday, June 3, 2012

In's and Outs

One of the differences I have with  my wife is that she is an extrovert with introvert tendencies while I am an introvert with extrovert tendencies. We were made for each other. It amazes me that she can say whatever comes to her mind. For example, she has no reluctance to give the server at a restaurant her "full"opinion when asked the question "How is everything?" She'll let the cashier in the checkout lane know that she is tired, because she just came back from vacation, and could she bag everything just the way she wants it for easy unloading at home. The most obvious thing though is her ability to talk to other drivers, who invariably cannot hear her.

I'm looking at this with awe as I have these inner conversations with myself continuously throughout the day. I am, if nothing else, a reflective person who discusses these issues with myself versus others. I don't wish to provide information on myself or my activities unless I chose to be in a conversation with someone who I think needs to know. I am like the proverbial comic book character with the cloud coming out of their head with what they are thinking inside.

This difference can sometimes be frustrating, particularly when both of us are at our extremes. Fortunately we have learned to understand how to coexist and support each other. I have learned when not to speak and when she is looking for support from me, and she has learned that my silence does not always mean agreement of disapproval. When we are in sync though, it is a lovely thing.

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