Saturday, July 21, 2012

Gun Control

The new Batman movie came out this weekend, but the big news was what went on in Colorado at one of the Thursday night sneak previews. A lone gunman went to the midnight premier, got strapped with two glocks, an AK 47, a high powered shotgun, body armor and began shooting people randomly in the theater. No rhyme or reason, looking for no one in particular, children and adults, young and old. Now I know that there is no way to stop these types of incidents from "ever" occurring. Our world is filled with crazy people or just those that can't cope. What I am upset about is the fact that this seemingly innocent looking/acting person can get these types of weapons.

The constitution says you have the right to bear arms. During the time it was written the country was trying to free itself and be come sovereign. I can understand the need to bear arm, during a time of oppression. If you are a hunter I can agree that you might need a gun. But you don't use a glock or AK 47 to shoot Bambi, you use it to shoot people. We should not be selling these types of weapons to citizens or anyone except the military for that matter.

This is what happens with guns. Last week a three year old shot their father on the couch with the gun they found in the home. Is it really worth it? It wouldn't be necessary if we felt the police could protect us. But they can't and the bad guys can get more fire power from the street than they have.

Gun control needs to be strengthened and the NRA needs to get focused guns for sport and help us with getting the sale of guns for killing outlawed. That's just my two cents worth.

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