Friday, November 2, 2012

Pray for the President

As the election draws near it becomes abundantly clear that we all need to pray for the President. Whomever that may be after next week, they will need our prayers. The bible teaches that we should pray for our leaders, because they will have the responsibility to lead. I can't imagine how, we as a country, could allow those people that represent us to ever voice goals to see the President fail, or to do anything to ensure that he does not see another term, because of who he is or his beliefs. This is the person that the people of the country have giving the authority to lead. To want him to fail is to say that you don't care about the results, and its impact on all those who follow his lead. Would this not be considered traitorous, or at least dispicable behavior during any other times?
The problems that we face as a nation did not start with this President and the last four years, or the last President and those eight years, or even the two Presidents before that. Our problems began in the sixties, beginning with the decision to stop prayer in schools and the taking down of the ten commandments. The very core of our country is established as one nation under God, indivisable, with liberty and justice for all. Yet we started to turn away for God. God was no longer wanted in our lives, outside of the church. Not in school, or work, or business, or the home itself. People were berated for using the term Christmas as a holiday we celebrate. People began to look for ways to satisfy their own inward needs under the name of "my freedom" to do so. We could say whatever I wanted, and do whatever I wanted, whenever we wanted , because we are free to do it.
Just because we can, does not always mean it is right to do. As the country has slide down this slope things have only gotten worst. No politician of government will be able to make our country right, until we look at the core values of our country, and move back towards them. Through the establishment of Christain values, in our homes,schools, justice system, and just by being on the side of right versus might.
All great nations of the past have risen and then fallen. I only pray that we can have a leader who see this, and lead accordingly. We talk about what kind of America we will be leaving for our children. If there is not a change in our culture I can't even imagine. I pray for whomever God "permits" to become President based on our request (votes). One must always be careful for what you ask for, because you may get it. 

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