Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

I've been trying to post something about Thanksgiving for a while now. For some reason I keep losing the post. Here is my last try. Thanksgiving is a day where we gather with family and friends to be thankful for our blessings.
In the tradition of our forefathers we have a big feast to eat and celebrate th bountiful blessings we have received. Men and women see this holiday completely different. Women spend hours preparing dishes and getting ready to receive company. Men see it as a day to watch football and eat till their hearts content

 There are some ground rules for this occassion if it is held at my house. 1.) I have six TV's in my home, so don't even think of changing the channel on the one I am watching. 2.) I am a simple man so I like cranberry sauce from the can, regular turkey, and cornbread dressing so don't think of bringing me some new age cooking from Whole Foods. 3.) If dinner is set for 3:00 don't expect us to wait till 5:00 when you arrive. You will have missed the blessing. 4.) If you bring your new boo to dinner don't expect me to entertain them. Visitors need a pass to eat. 5.) If you can't cook don't try to impress me today. Just bring the drinks or some bread. 6.) If you are new age parent and you can't control your kids I will check them. I am from the old school of children should be seen and not heard, especially if they are screaming. 7.) I am from St Louis and hate the Cowboys, so don't root for them if they are on TV. 8.) It is OK to take food when you leave but use a paper plate. Don't even try to walk out with my dishes or tupper ware. 9.) Don't bring your kids Christmas lists over with you. This is Thanksgiving and I will not be discussing Christmas at all. And last but not least 10.) If you have a problem with you sister, cousin, mother or whoever check your drama at the door!
Enjoy the day and remember how blessed you truly are everyday. While we always say the blessing before the meal we should always say it after each meal too.

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