Sunday, September 20, 2020

Prepared for Bad News

 As I have grown older and experienced many more thing in these United States of America as a black man, I have grown more patient. To reduce the stress of everyday life in a racist society, where the Eurocentric standards are imposed on everyone, I have become more reflective. I spend much more time with myself and spiritually thinking of  all my blessings, versus my shortcomings. This becomes even more obvious as I look around and see the horrible conditions that have befallen others around the world and within our own country. As a racist who sees the difference between people of color, and the white race, my life has always been written as them and us. I would like to think though that I have always wanted to treat people as I would like to be treated, while looking down on others because of their race, religion, or economic status. 

With everything that is going on in the year 2020 I realize that even though I am an optimist for the most part I have come to be prepared for bad news. When Barrack Obama was running for President of the United States, with the opportunity to become the first black president, I was prepared for his defeat. I was also prepared for the treatment he received from white supremist and even the whites within the government. The Republicans did not try to hide their intentions of doing whatever they could to ensure he did not succeed and thwart his efforts at every turn.

When the Donald Trump ran for president against Hillary Clinton, and people said he didn't have a chance, I was prepared for his victory. I was only believable that a person with little moral fortitude and no experience in government or even service, could be elected in these United States.

After the tape was shown and Rodney King was beaten, I was prepared for those police offices would walk and not be held accountable. After all this had ben going on for years and the definition of insanity is doing the same thing and suspecting a different result. This of course was reason for people to be angry and resulted in violence. Now in 2020 the same scenarios are playing out over the country. With the killing of George Floyd, Breoona Taylor, and others, the Black Lives Matter movement is once again asking for justice and police reform. While this movement is much more widespread between races, ages, and genders I am prepared for what will or will not be the outcome. I remember that 6 years since Michael Brown was killed by police in Ferguson Missouri, the findings were finally revealed. And that was that there will be no prosecution of the officer involved.

Many people say that one of the strengths of black people is their pride or their ability and resilience to bounce back from the injustice and adversity they have had to face. I think that it being prepared and knowing that it is coming may be a greater strength. If these adversities were not placed upon us to start with then we could live our lives with all races equally dependent with each other in America. Like everything else here though, I am prepared for this not to happen, since those in power have "always" needed or had a lower group of people to be above. 

As the 2020 presidential election gets close and closer, the polls show that the Democrat Joe Biden and his African American Vice President candidate Kamala Harris are leading in the polls against Trump (I find it hard to call him president). There is a groundswell of anti Trump sentiment due to his handling of the Covet 19 pandemic, which has led to the loss of over 200,000 Americans and counting, the loss of jobs,  as well as his lying to America on many fronts. With all of this I am prepared for the bad news if he wins.

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