Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Don't Sweat It

 After reading Ibram X Kendi's book on "How to be an Antiracist" during the surge of the Black Lives Matter movement, the Trump era, and the pandemic I have tried to strive to look at each individual's behavior separately and not part of any collective body, such as all Blacks, all whites, women, men, gay, straight, rich or poor. Of course I have my biases, whether explicit or implicit. After all I see the world through the glasses that I have had on for my entire life and those experiences that may be similar to others but are still mine alone,

My wife has a whole different set of experiences and it is very obvious when looking at the way we view the world and others. She  is very much a person who feels that she is intuitive when looking at others actions and can develop a storyline around everything based on her experiences. This includes may racist ideas, conspiracy theories, and stereotypes. None of these are bad in and of themselves, since curiosity and the need to have information are beneficial in getting things accomplished. 

We all have to be careful though to not push our thoughts as truth without any other facts than "I know or believe that to be true." Also this can lead us to paranoia and add stress when it is not needed. At my age I try to see the blessing I have and not think that everyone is trying to "get over" on you, or out to do you harm. I my wife's case this includes the squirrels in the park, that have been fed by walkers, and now are not afraid of people. She has read their minds now and lets me know everyday about this and that they are begging for food every time one comes close All rule breakers are pointed out. Those that walk on the wrong side of the path, no dog lease, park in different places with their lights on, people who don't use turn signals are subject to her wrath.

Now that the pandemic is coming down and people again begin "to socialize" again I hope that I can maintain my view of "not sweating the small stuff" and maintain a positive view of things until I can see that really was something that needs to be corrected, because it affects me and mine. Life is short and to get the most out of it one must try to be the best that "you" can be while either helping others do the same or getting out of their way.

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