Monday, December 26, 2022

Is your house a home?

 When I retired a few years ago my wife and I decided to downsize and relocate to Tampa Florida. We enjoyed the city with its weather, beaches, attractions, restaurants and all-around livability. We moved into a two-bedroom condo in a gated community, made some renovations and I was pretty happy. I didn't take long for me to see that this would not be our retirement home for long. My wife became fascinated with the thought of selling or renting the condo to make money. My house was no longer a home but an investment. Now I like making money s much as anyone, but as I have told my wife on many occasions real estate has no attraction for me. While she scanned realtor apps and housing in Tampa I went along because I want to support her interests, as we are a team. 

After living in the condo for a and a half, and managing our funds to pay off the mortgage, her itch to move reached its peak. We had been walking in the neighborhood park during the pandemic year and had watched a group of townhouses being built. After they were completed, we had to see what they looked like inside. My wife loved them, even though they were three stores with steps and cost twice as much as the condo had cost. She convinced me it would be a great "investment" (which it was) and we could rent out the condo to help pay the higher mortgage. Now that we have furnished it, I really like my "home" and enjoying living in it.

However, once again it is not treated like a home, as talk revolves around what we can make when we sell it. Because of the housing market here in Tampa, both the condo and the townhouse have appreciated considerably. However, I cannot be comfortable with every decision and topic of discussion geared around selling. Every trip out is peppered with looking at houses and what might be for sell. Seating, flooring, painting, appliances are all highlighted by what it means to a seller versus what it means to me. Because of the size of the townhouse and the fact that my wife it pretty much a control freak who feels that she has to do everything, makes it hard to just relax. Everything in terms of cleaning is exaggerated. And everything must be in the place. For I guy I think I'm pretty neat and organized but usually I'm the somebody who has or hasn't done something.

Well, we'll probably be moving again in a few years. A process I dread but will be necessary. I don't have many years left, but I'm sure my final "home" will be great, as long as I my project motivated wife still tolerates me being me.  

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Roaring 20's

 In the twentieth century the 1920's were exciting as people maneuvered through a stylized decade of fashion, culture, and economic prosperity. There was prohibition, and people went to Speak Easys to get their groove on dancing and showing off their stylish dress. While there was a Harlem Renaissance you heard little about the Tulsa race massacre. In many major states women won the right to vote. The media hit us up on the new tv medium along with new sport stadiums and cinemas. The Wall Street Crash of 1929 ended the era as the Great Depression brought years of hardship worldwide.

Well, now I am in my roaring twenties, starting with 2020 and things aren't looking to good. First off, our President Donald Trump has been spreading the big lie that the presidential election was stolen from him and he refused to concede power to our new president Joe Biden. Him and his supported attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power by storming the capital building on January 6th. People died including police officers as the rioters were eventually contained. However, this was a direct attack on our democracy by an individual would want to become an autocrat here America. 

During this time in 2020 the world and the United States was struck by a worldwide pandemic. Covid, as it was labeled ravaged to US and before it was contained over a million people would die from the disease. A vaccine was developed and by social distancing, wearing masks and taking the vaccines when available me and my wife have been able to avoid infection for now. However, the virus is still with us and because of the world supply chain has been severely disrupted along with worldwide economies. People have lost jobs, homes, and the inflation rate has soared.

The new President has addressed these issues by providing stimulus packages and programs to help as many people as possible but that has helped to push inflation as people begin to spend more with less supply available. The housing market has soared as interest rates were at all-time low with limited inventory. I was able to refinance my home and pay off our condo while my equity in both properties increased by 13% in 2021. Things economically are a mess as the Feds try to curb inflation by raising interest rates at a historic pace which many say will eventually trust into a recession.

On top of that I have just went thru one of the strongest hurricanes to hit Florida in decades. My wife Donna was visiting her mother in Louisville, and I stayed home. Heard of the hurricane coming while she was gone, and I decided to stay in Tampa and shutter our place. We were supposed to get a direct hit but by the grace of God hurricane Ian made landfall south of us. It was disaster for the people Fort Meyers and my heart goes out to them and others more heavily impacted by the storm. This was a storm of the century type of events and will have ramifications on people's lives for decades. Hurricane season is only a third of the way over and there could be more storms to come.

The midterm elections of 2022 are coming and the fate of the country moving forward hangs in the balance. The far right and Trumpers of the Republican Party will try to gain control of the government, both country and statewide. They have already been able to stack the judiciary with conservative judges as demonstrated by the Supreme Court's decision the throw out Roe vs Wade and remove a woman's right to abortion. Donald Trump is still in control of the party, even as he is being investigated by the Justice Department and several states for criminal offenses. One being the taking of classified documents from the White House when he left office. 

Last but not least has been the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. The Russian leader, Vladimir Putin, has declared the Ukraine is Russian land and that the democratic government, who he called Nazis, should be ousted. Russia was already under sanctions for their invasion and annexation of the Crimean Peninsula which was part of Ukraine. The Ukrainians have received military aid from the US and the EU to resist the invasion. They have held off the Russians and vowed to fight for their country, even as they are outmanned. Their resolve has begun to make inroads in retaking territory previously secured by the Russians and exposed some of their weaknesses. Put, with his losses has begun desperate and implied the possible use of nuclear weapons to win the war. He has drafted 300K soldiers. People in Russia are starting to push back on the war at home because of this. This threat of world war is real and makes the world a dangerous place to live in, the roaring 20's.



Monday, August 8, 2022

Believe It Or Not

 I have discovered that in the world that I currently live in it is impossible to always tell the truth from lies. That is a sad state of affairs. The internet has provided us with an informational engine like no other. However, it has no filter, and, in our democracy, you can say almost anything you want, true or not. The ads for products can tell you they are great on one platform and a complete scram on another. People can observe things with their own eyes but is actually true or some sort of virtual stimulation. Recently, I viewed a segment on 60 Minutes that demonstrated how people are making videos of celebrities, to post on the internet, using artificial intelligence software. They can post video and make claims that the person is making statements of performing acts that they really didn't. How dangerous is this that it may not be possible to believe your own eyes because of possible deception? What impact long-term will this have on our justice system, when evidence can be refuted, and people can just say that wasn't me. It's a fake. And what about everyday relationships, when people can post fake information on social media. Many people are already facing that problem.

The traditional media is somewhat better, but it has its problems too. There is a bad news bias in this area where the bad news is always considered the best news to present. This includes anything the is divisive or controversial. This has a tendency to skew the data. For example, the idea of providing welfare entitlements like food stamps, social security, VA benefits and other services that the richest country in the world should be able to do, the media normal portrays people of color. The majority of these benefits go to white people in this country. Information with visuals of these people might have a better impact on improving these services and everyone would benefit. Immigrants are portrayed as a drain on the countries resources because illegal immigration is the only form of immigration shown. 

 Alot of this problem comes from our leaders at the top of the food chain in our society. It is a "win at all costs" in politics today. The us against them mentality leads to no compromises, and has been foster by the conservative right, basically the Republican party. Of course, they will say it comes from the progressive liberal left of the Democratic party. Donald Trump has led a wave of change where misinformation is the goal. If you say something enough times, to enough people, you can convince the majority of them (or enough) to believe it. Supporters can pass along conspiracy theories for sport and power with impunity. People's perceptions and assumptions are passed along as truth. This type of misinformation will eventually destroy us, as we lose faith in our policies, systems, and relationships. It is a sad state of affairs which I hope we can pull out of, but all the information I get says it will get worse before it gets better. (or is this misinformation)

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Gun violence

 There are more guns in the United States than there are people. Why is that? Basically, the answer is greed and a country filled with scared people, either rightfully so or because of a belief in conspiracy theories. The gun manufacturers have developed guns for the military to provide us with a tactical advantage. Then they exploited Americans, using the second amendment to support them, and sold them to the general population. An AK15 is a military weapon which by its very name implies it is to be used to "assault" people and inflict maximum deadly force in a minimum period of time. At one time these were made illegal, but political and powerful lobbyist from the gun manufacturers overturned this act. Background checks to try to ensure that criminals, or people with mental health issues, could not purchase guns were opposed or voted down using the rhetoric that one party of government was trying to take away "everyone's" gun and their constitutional right to have them.

 The constitution second amendment was placed there to ensure that the people were free to defend themselves against a tyrannical government through the use of a capably armed militia. Because our government has become so toxic and polarized, we are suffering from the consequences of having representation by extremist, demigods, conspiracy theorist, and just people who cannot compromise. Common sense is no longer important, but what you can do to keep you power position or generate profits for a capitalist system running off the tracks.

Once again there has been a school mass shooting in the USA with twenty people being killed. Nineteen of these were elementary school children. They were killed by another child (18 years old) who was allowed to buy assault weapons as a "birthday gift". Many people who have their heads buried in the sand say that this person was a monster, pure evil, and this could not have been stopped by any more gun control. I totally disagree with this line of thought. These mass shooters were no more mentally ill than any off us. They we people who have been indoctrinated in a culture that promotes killing and are very "unhappy" with their lives or situations. Their choices are just morally different than what mainstream society would accept.
Gun control with background checks, bans on military weapons (and equipment) for the general public will not keep criminals from obtaining guns, but it will be harder. I don't hold anything against anyone who wants to hunt with a gun or have a firearm for home protection. But, you do not need an assault weapon or large magazine automatic to do this. Some politicians say that gun ownership is a human right. That is absolutely not true. Human rights deal with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Owning a gun is not considered a human right, while having water, food, and shelter  are examples of "human" rights. Having a gun is a "privilege" that Americans are afforded.

Because our country is divided, polarized and unable to accept a win of any kind from those who hold different views, we will suffer these types of unspeakable acts. Nothing will get done until the majority of voters can find a platform which will make the changes. People will have to understand better how our experimental form of government works. The change has to come from the bottom up because those at the top are ill prepared to do the work of the people right now. And maybe I am wrong and what we see now in leadership and voters is who we really are as a nation. And that's my two cents on this subject.


Saturday, April 16, 2022

Are you watching a movie or the evening news?

 For years I have enjoyed watching fictional action/suspense movies that always pictured an apocalyptic view of our world caused by man or nature. But recently it feels like many of these predictions may have been accurate. With climate change going unchecked massive storms, fires, air pollution, and famine are recking havoc on this earth. War has escalated in places around the world and rushed towards world war and possible mass destruction.

It is painful to watch the nws and not compare some of things I see with movies I've viewed. Our democracy is under seize by those people who believe that the country was built by white people, and they should fight to remain in power. The melting pot that we were suppose to be, is overtaking them and they are afraid. Watching the January 6th storming of the capital looks just a made for tv movie. As in the movies "Olympus Has Fallen", justice prevails and democracy wins....this time. There are twist and turns throughout the plot, with the President of the United States actually being the instigator of the riot with plans to take over the government. There is the conspiracy going on, the coverup, and the untimely deaths of some individuals during the seize. 

Covid came into the world and matched the intensity of a movie like "Outbreak", The world went into survival mode and has been playing out this movie for the past two years. Whole cities locked down in quarantine with places like New York, and Shanghai looking like ghost towns. Even as a "vaccine" was developed and pushed out to the world, hospitals where pushed to the limits, bodies piled up and long lines filled at stadium sites for testing and shots. None was safe as everyone was forced to wear masks and social distance. People protested mandates and loss of jobs and liberties. 

On top of all of this war breaks out in Ukraine as the leader of Russia decides that he wants to have more power by taken back land that was previously part of the failed Communist regime the USSR. This dictator has worked to make himself an autocratic leader for life. An ex KGB office in his previous life it would be an excellent plot for a Mission Impossible movie. The war atrocities that are shown on the news are scenes that would only be shown on movie screens in the past. It is hard to continue to hear the newscasters state the warning that these videos "are disturbing." It reminds me of "Saving Private Ryan".

The world has war going on in the name of religion and racial division. These play out in the news like newsreels. Guns have proliferated in the US that it seems to be going backwards to the ways of what we use to call the wild, wild, west. School shootings, police shootings, and the criminals outgunning the police are common in what was once the land of the free.

While I love a good movie, watching the news pains my heart. While I don't believe it fate or coincidence I do believe in providence. I believe that things are set in place and playout through some master plan. I don't believe I will live to see the end of this movie, but I am not optimistic about the final scenes.

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

To Be or Not To Be

 Several years ago, prior to the pandemic I read a book entitled "How to be an Antiracist" by Ibram X Kendi. This had a profound effect on me in understanding that one needs to be more than someone who is not a racist, but someone who actually tries to live and act without the bias of racism in their everyday life. Since then, I have tried to live my life without falling back on racial stereotypes against both people of color as well as whites.  I have found that doing so has made my life much more peaceful and less stressful. Based on my teachings from church, I have also learned that not letting go of the past and spending my emotional time with conspiracy theories about others only hurts me. While you are thinking about someone else's wrongs or blessing, they are spending no time think about or stressing out about you. 

My wife, who is a wonderful woman spends a great deal of time trying to figure out why black or white people do things and almost always takes things as a personal attack on her character, intelligence, or race. While I believe that women in general are much more perceptive than men, forming these types of conspiracy theories only seem to stress her out and in a constant state of anger. She is a racist by definition both against whites and blacks. The major assaults are against white women in particular. 

This difference in perspective sometimes spills over into our daily lives as she accuses me of always providing another alternative supporting that she is wrong about her intuitions. These are the majority of our disagreements. If a glass comes out dirty at a restaurant or the food is cold, it was done on purposes, or brought to her specifically because she is black. While I would be stupid to think that black people have been treated differently and poorly in restaurant situations, this cannot be the constant go to response. In most cases we point out the issue and get it resolved amicably.

Can you be a black racist? Of course. Stereotypes are pointed out about the way African Americans act and portray themselves. Whenever there is a shooting, theft or domestic violence stated on the news, my wife immediately sees a black person in her mind and verbalizes it. Certain types of dress or talk automatically produce a statement of being a criminal or other racial stigmas. I call it not being for real when you can talk to someone like a friend and then behind closed doors talk about them in a negative way.

I have broken my life into the four seasons, and right now I am in the fall of my years. Life has gotten easier for me as I realize that I have the choice to be or not to be. I try to handle those things that directly affect me and my family, without letting things or people who really have no impact on my life stress me out or use up my emotional capital. I believe that people (at least the ones I have contact with) are good until they give me a real reason, that I can prove, that they aren't. And that includes all races, cultures, sexual orientation or political beliefs.


Saturday, March 5, 2022

A Time for War

 The world I have lived in all my life have been in a state of war. I can't remember a time when war was nor going. For me the first memories where those of Viet Nam. Then there was Bosnia, the Irish Republican Army, Grenada, and several other skirmishes. The Israeli's and the Palestinians have been at war my whole life.

 After 911 there was a constant war against terror in places like Afghanistan, Kuwait and Iraq have led to our military forces fighting overseas in three major military operations. Iran and Syria have been involved in civil war for years, as well as many countries in Africa like Somalia, Libya, and Yemen. Of course, you don't hear much about the African wars since we are talking about black people in a place that really doesn't view them important. Fortunately, there are still some humanitarian people here in America. 

Now after we have redrawn for our twenty-year unsuccessful war in Afghanistan, and on the heels of a worldwide pandemic, Russia has decided to invade its neighboring country of Ukraine, in an effort to take over the country and expand their territory. This is the vision of their leader Vladimir Putin to revive the USSR and their previous glory days. This could mean war in Europe again similar to World War II. These soviets do not play by any civilized rules of war and are just going in with brute force against both military and civilians to get what they want.   

Ukraine established a democracy after the USSR broke apart and has leaned towards the west in ideology and also wanted to be a part of NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This has spooked Putin, the Russian autocrat who has established himself as leader for life, who fears being surrounded to the west and has vowed to destroy democracy. With nuclear power in the background, he knows that the US and the EU will not risk bringing troops in to fight against him.

While I only feel the effect of this war economically right now there is much more pin to come for the world in which we live in. I cannot see the future, but I feel for the Ukrainian people and all they are going through now and will have to endure. I can only go about my day-to-day life, giving thanks for the blessing I enjoy here in a country that is definitely flawed, but still one of the best places to live in the world. Is there ever a time for war? No, but it appears there is always a war where humans are involved.