Saturday, April 16, 2022

Are you watching a movie or the evening news?

 For years I have enjoyed watching fictional action/suspense movies that always pictured an apocalyptic view of our world caused by man or nature. But recently it feels like many of these predictions may have been accurate. With climate change going unchecked massive storms, fires, air pollution, and famine are recking havoc on this earth. War has escalated in places around the world and rushed towards world war and possible mass destruction.

It is painful to watch the nws and not compare some of things I see with movies I've viewed. Our democracy is under seize by those people who believe that the country was built by white people, and they should fight to remain in power. The melting pot that we were suppose to be, is overtaking them and they are afraid. Watching the January 6th storming of the capital looks just a made for tv movie. As in the movies "Olympus Has Fallen", justice prevails and democracy wins....this time. There are twist and turns throughout the plot, with the President of the United States actually being the instigator of the riot with plans to take over the government. There is the conspiracy going on, the coverup, and the untimely deaths of some individuals during the seize. 

Covid came into the world and matched the intensity of a movie like "Outbreak", The world went into survival mode and has been playing out this movie for the past two years. Whole cities locked down in quarantine with places like New York, and Shanghai looking like ghost towns. Even as a "vaccine" was developed and pushed out to the world, hospitals where pushed to the limits, bodies piled up and long lines filled at stadium sites for testing and shots. None was safe as everyone was forced to wear masks and social distance. People protested mandates and loss of jobs and liberties. 

On top of all of this war breaks out in Ukraine as the leader of Russia decides that he wants to have more power by taken back land that was previously part of the failed Communist regime the USSR. This dictator has worked to make himself an autocratic leader for life. An ex KGB office in his previous life it would be an excellent plot for a Mission Impossible movie. The war atrocities that are shown on the news are scenes that would only be shown on movie screens in the past. It is hard to continue to hear the newscasters state the warning that these videos "are disturbing." It reminds me of "Saving Private Ryan".

The world has war going on in the name of religion and racial division. These play out in the news like newsreels. Guns have proliferated in the US that it seems to be going backwards to the ways of what we use to call the wild, wild, west. School shootings, police shootings, and the criminals outgunning the police are common in what was once the land of the free.

While I love a good movie, watching the news pains my heart. While I don't believe it fate or coincidence I do believe in providence. I believe that things are set in place and playout through some master plan. I don't believe I will live to see the end of this movie, but I am not optimistic about the final scenes.

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