Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dinner Request

On some occasions, like my birthday or fathers day, my lovely wife will make a special meal for me. She normally ask me " what would you like for dinner?". This is a trick question though. She knows that I normally will want things I had growing up and are no longer good for me. Things like fried chicken, rice and gravy, pork chops, etc. So when I answered this week with liver and onions, I was only being half frustrating. Yes I did ask for the white rice, which we had to go to the store to buy, but since it was my day I got my wish.

 Where I messed up was when I was asked what vegetables I wanted. I didn't have a clue, and really all I  wanted was the liver and onions, with rice and gravy. I tried to be humorous and said onions, which didn't go over well. I saw the frustration cloud appear over my wife's face and knew that she was really annoyed with the fact that she was trying to keep me alive and do something nice at the same time, and I just wasn't cooperating. She ended up picking up some greens ( with a name I had never heard of ) and some yellow and green squash. Mission complete and after a trip to Macy's she was back into a loving mood and dinner was excellent.

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