Sunday, July 24, 2011

A Man Named Somebody

Like any couple my wife and I have arguments. Fortunately very few of them are serious and most of the time we can make fun of ourselves and laugh about them later. Lately my wife has come up with a new way to press her point without causing an argument.

 First thing you must keep in mind is that we are currently empty nesters. It is only the two of us here in the house. So, let's assume my wife is disturbed about something; let's say the room temperature, lights  being left on, or any multitude of things. What she will now say is "Somebody left the lights on, or Somebody didn't take out the trash, or somebody didn't clean  the lint filter in the dryer. Well, I think you get the picture.

So I asked her "Who is Somebody?" She smiles and said "I didn't say you." I smiled and answered "I know because I didn't do it." This dance goes on for a little while each time, whether it's me telling her, "Somebody did it", or her telling me "Somebody did it". For the most part "Somebody" normally learns from the error of his/her ways and things move on happily ever after (until Somebody messes up again).

The moral of this story can be quoted from the Rev. Jessie Jackson.... "I am Somebody!"

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