Sunday, July 10, 2011

Terminator versus the Matrix

Recently I was at a loss for anything meaningful to watch on TV so I turned to a channel that advertised "Movies That Don't Suck" and watched a Terminator and a Matrix movie back to back. Since both of these movies have prequels and sequels I don't really know the full title or number of either one. What I do know is that both talk about our future in no uncertain terms. The machines take over in both cases, and it is not good for us humans. Since art normally copies life (or is it vice verse) I tried to put them into perspective.

What if the Internet or World Wide Web actually turns out to be Sky Net, like in the Terminator? With all the information that is out there and with all systems trying to be tied together, isn't it possible? Would it be so  far fetched for someone to hack into our defense system, or another country's and start a war? Pretty scary, but it could happen.

The Matrix is a little more far fetched, with humans living in a dream state, while their bodies are used as an energy force for the machines. However, with humans obsessed with the desire to maintain their fragile physical bodies, it is a  possibility that man could go to far and lose control. Both of these movies relinquish the role of spirituality or God. The Matrix at least looks at the idea of fate, destiny, and miracles.

Who knows, someone could be hacking and spying on me right now. I have no doubt.  Most futuristic movies paint a grim picture, but I hope the end more like the Rocky movies, where the underdog comes through.

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