Thursday, February 9, 2012

I'm Just A Salesman

I've been watching the Occupy movement for awhile now and I think I've got it figured out. I was confused because I didn't know what they wanted when they started with the Occupy Wall Street protest . I understood that the 99% was a representation of regular Americans who aren't classified as rich, or the opposite of the 1%  that is represented by Wall Street. They riped us off, causing the recession for the most part due to the housing collapse, which was caused by greedy banks and financial institutions. Corporate CEO's ran their companies into great debt while building large bonuses and salaries for themselves. Then all of these guys got a bailout by the tax payers. Ok, I get it. Those who where out of a job and home now think something should be done and wanted to be heard.

What I couldn't understand was who was leading the protest and what exactly did they want to happen. During the civil rights movement, there were marches, sit in's, and similar Occupy events. However, all of them were tied to a central theme of providing civil rights equally to all people, and each one had a distinct issue they were protesting to be changed. I see none of this with the Occupy movement. After Occupy Wallstreet, there have been other Occupy events. Currently there are several Occupy events against city or state government. Most recently there was an Occupy The Superbowl event to protest something. I don't have a clue what that was about. Then there was an Occupy Indianapolis to protest the signing of a new Right to Work law in Indiana.

And that's when it hit me. The Occupy movement is not to be confused with the civil rights, or pro life, or even the tea party agenda. The Occupy movement does not need a leader or central core. Basically it is just a campaign to use the media to bring attention to "whatever" you are unhappy about and feel should be changed. You don't need to have a solution, because you just  want to be heard and seen by others, who may join you, or who may look for a way to "make you go away." Use the internet, use twitter, facebook to schedule an event and voice your cause and we will see how many others show up.  These are people who feel strongly that they have a right to let officials and others know how they feel, and they do. However, I should not be looking for answers from them.

I say all this because I feel I'm pretty well informed on the state of affairs our country is in these days. I read the newspaper every morning, watch the local and national news daily, and as customary these days, get my share of online updates. However, these are just my opinions and  after all, I am just a salesman.

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