Friday, March 9, 2018


I have resisted writing all the things I feel about our current President and the state of our country. However, after being bombarded daily with the soap opera that is occurring it is difficult. Our country has been trumped, conned, and bamboozled by an individual who is narcissist with a superiority complex, and the power obtained by money and entitlement. 
Our President may love our country because of the wealth and power that it has allowed him to obtain. Many feel that he is the poster child of what we need to be successful as a country. But I truly believe that his intent when running for the presidency was to improve his position and that of his family. Even if he didn't win, he still would win because of publicity and the contacts made. It was a surprise to him and a great number of us that he won. However, when you appeal to those who have lost faith in the current government and believe that a new approach is necessary, I understand.
We now have a President who really shows no moral compass and who has been shown to have racial bias, misogyny, and xenophobia. Like an Egyptian pharaoh he has taken his position on the throne, as he sees it, to rule over his subjects. Those who are not loyal are punished and those who do not agree or challenge him are removed. The Hebrews, or the immigrants are getting to big in numbers and they must be stopped. This especially gets for the dreamers. It is easy for me as a black man to understand how there can be so many Americans who agree. They feel when the minorities increase and win, they lose.
This President knows nothing about diplomacy or the way of government. He does not intent to learn. Just wing it and throw out ideas based on talking to his friends and family, non of whom have the total picture of the economy or the world. A man who says things that any other  politician would be scorned for, or lose their position. An adulterer, who has openly bragged about his activities. A President who has inserted nepotism into the white house with no conscience about it at all.
Some people that I know, including my step daughter think that this person is the one to lead us. Their belief that the government is so corrupt , that a man who tells it like it is, won't back down, and who only wants to win at any cost to others (beside his followers) will make America great again.  They turn a blind eye to things that would have gotten others crucified. I can't imagine how this would have played out for President Obama. These are the things that many white Americans felt might happen with a black president.
  I only hope that our democracy can survive. Many have not, as this type of governing leads to the downfall of many. In God I trust if we do not.

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