Friday, June 15, 2018

Let the Sideshow Begin

Five hundred days into the Trump  and it is hard not to have opinions or get away from the media commentary. There is so much going on everyday and so much material. For hose who are Trump supporters I guess all is well and his agenda is the right one. It is difficult for me to see a congruent ideology versus a personality.

Many people thought that having an African American president would turn the tide in American. However, I believe that all it did was expose the things that were wrong in American and opened the door for a new era in American history. Obama led American out of a cruising recession, economic downturn, natural disasters, and ongoing war. All the while with the majority leaders in the senate and house openly pledging not to support any of his efforts. He was able to do some good anyway, both in the areas of saving major industries, financial institutions, and even some civil rights.

However, this only made many people threatened both by a minority leader and the party that represented him. It emboldened many to come forward  in a way that was not previously respected or condoned. The reality star was king of the world and now saw a chance to take that crown in the world of politics. Make America great again with a man who would say whatever he felt to beat down his competition. All for the win baby win, and the put down of anyone that dared to get down in the mud with him. America was built on the genocide of the indigenous people of our country and the slavery of another. This is clearly "white mans land" and we need to get back to it. No more Mexicans, Africans, or any other types of people. Trumps motto is to be the Top Dog.
So he won and people were surprised. But not me. Just like when people say that the police force has a few "bad apples" that need to be held accountable for their use of excessive force on minorities. If every force has a few bad apples, that leads to "a lot" of bad apples in the system. I doubt that people would be willing to have a few bad apples in their hospitals, schools, or courts. But I'm sure it happens. What is hard for me to believe is that many average people believed the con that Trump was selling about being for the "working and average citizen" when he has never been one himself.
Trump is a person who is self centered and craves adoration and acclaim from those around him. He praises many of the foreign leaders such as Putin and Kim Jung Un because that are strong dictators, and he like to operate in that fashion. He wants the Presidency to be his ruling with loyal subjects. The other parts of government in our democracy are in his way. Blame things on the other party, or on his own if they don't want to see it his way. Come up with untrue stories and facts to prove his points are right, and do it in any situation necessary. He is dismantling things that support our way of life both legally and morally. Our justice department, once the most respected in the world is now in a shambles. A man with no experience ever in public service, elected to be our most respected commander and chief.
The sideshow goes on daily and I see no hope or change in sight, since there is no one in either party with the balls to challenge the "King". Hopefully, our constitution an way of government will survive but it will never be the same. No telling what things will look like when the curtain comes down.

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