Friday, May 13, 2011

Real Relationships

Real relationships are hard to find and even harder to keep. Once you think you have one, you become a little arrogant and then complacency sets in. That is when things start to fail because relationships are hard work. It is true that men and women are wired differently. Men love with their eyes while women love with their ears. Men are visual and therefore it is important that women maintain whatever atracked them in the first place, or their eyes will wander. Women on the other had want conversation, so whatever smooth lines you used to win her over, you better be able to keep it up. Place yourself into listening mode without judging or trying to always come up with the answer, and you will have a much more meaningful relationship. Since men are competitive by nature, always keep in mind and follow this rule....Sometimes it is better to be happy than right.  You have to keep up the compliments, affection and loving to make sure that you don't move down to being a lecturer or abuser. Just like with money, once you can recognize the real thing in a relationship, you will have no trouble recognizing the counterfeit.

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