Friday, May 20, 2011

Temperature Control

Let's have a little talk about temperature control, particularly as it relates to you and your significant other. First keep in mind that neither of you will ever be at the same temperature in any place at any time. If you are hot she will probably be cold and vice versa. Also extremes are not looked upon in the same way. What you might consider as a reasonable decline or increase in temperature may result in the following " I'm freezing" or "I'm burning up" from your mate. I know women are wired differently from men and are subject to the infamous hot flash, therefore I must make allowances for these.

Now, if you are in the car be sure to have ventilation which can be controlled independently for both driver and passenger. This is a must. You must be able to endure blasts of cold air conditioning or intense heat depending both on the temperature inside and outside of the vehicle. Remain calm and look to casually adjust your vents to reduce sweating and frost bite.

Remember that the thermostat in the home should belong to the woman of the house. If you are not aware of this you will be bombarded with a constant chatter about either making adjustments. It is very seldom on the proper setting for comfortable living. I some cases for example the air conditioning will be turned up on a relatively hot day, only to have you come home to find you mate wrapped up in a blanket on the couch.

This is also the case for the bedroom and the infamous cover tug of war. Once you are in the bed it begins. First the sheets are cold. Then you warm them up and after a few moments it becomes unbearably hot, so they are tossed off and the ceiling fan turned on.  However, later in the evening, a cold wave moves in and the covers slowly inch their way off of you onto her side of the bed. Knowing this ritual is coming allows all loving mates to plan for their cuddling and extra curricular activities in a reasonable manner. ;-)

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