Friday, December 21, 2012

Peace on Earth

With the Christmas season upon us the phrase "Peace on Earth" is spoken a lot. After the mass killing of innocent children in Newtown CT. just days before the birthday of the Prince of Peace, one has to lean on their faith. My faith in Christ is stronger than ever these days, but my faith in man continues to weaken. Mankind continues to engage in war, violence, and in many cases senseless acts of evil. Only God can create a brain and no one has found a way to understand how it works and what messages it sends, since each one is different. We are not in control, but whether we do good or bad is based on choice not chance, in almost all situations. We have created and live in a world of violence towards our fellow man, and in the U.S. where people use guns as protection versus faith. The NRA says let the teachers or administrator have guns in the schools to protect themselves. Schools are not a place for guns period. Their answer is to arm everyone, then we will all be safe. Peace on Earth will be hard to come by if they get their way. Merry Christmas.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Getting Old

I don't know who wrote this but I didn't want to lose it so I'm keeping it for myself and anyone else who feels the same way......
" I would never trade my amazing friends, wonderful life, my loving family for less gray hair or a flatter belly. As I've aged, I've become kinder to myself, and less critical of myself. I've become my own friend. I don't chide myself for eating that extra cookie, or for not making my bed, or for buying that silly cement gecko that I didn't need, but looks so avante garde on my patio. I am entitled to a treat, to be messy, to be extravagant.
I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging. Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 a.m. and sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 60's & 70's, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love....I will.
I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and I will dive into the waves with abandon if i choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set. they too, will get old.
I know I am sometimes forgetful. But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And I eventually remember the important things. Sure, over the years my heart has been broken; How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody's beloved pet gets hit by a car? But broken hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion. A heart never broken is pristine and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect.
I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning gray, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face. So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver.
As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think..I don't question myself anymore. Ive even earned the right to be wrong.
So to answer your question, I like being old. It has set me free. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day (if i feel like it). "

The Apprentice Part 2

Last year I posted a story at Christmas time about my grand daughter, Makayla, titled "The Apprentice. It was Christmas time and she was learning from the best, my wife, on how to shop and get those Christmas items she wanted. As she emulated her idol, Donna, she has become skillful in the ways of the mall, sales, and high finance. It is Christmas time again and already she is entering into level 200 courses, that began on Black Friday and will continue I'm sure until New Year's. The only thing that is slowing her down is the fact that her family is attempting to move into a new home and her base location is not stable.
Since I hope you can look at the post from last year, I won't go into the techniques again. I did want to point one interesting item this year. And that is the Christmas List. MaKayla, who is now 9 years old came up with some very interesting items on her Christmas List for us to work against this year. Usually, you would think that the children in this age group would want items like games, toys, clothes, etc. No my grand daughter, the Apprentice. She went straight for the high price spread. Number one being a Tablet or IPad, moving down to a flat screen T.V., Bike, Angry Birds watch, hat, shirt, and pajamas, Shoes (Greffes..which I don't know what these are) and the universal gift...Money.
I have no idea what was on "Santa Clause's" list or that of her mother's. However, the most interesting item on the our list was, believe it or not,  a "Passport". The nine year old wants a passport, so that she can be prepared to take vacation and trips with us when we go out of the country. This is the  obstacle that she is planning to overcome now, so we cannot use it in the future.
Her graduation will come before she even gets to Middle School!!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

I've been trying to post something about Thanksgiving for a while now. For some reason I keep losing the post. Here is my last try. Thanksgiving is a day where we gather with family and friends to be thankful for our blessings.
In the tradition of our forefathers we have a big feast to eat and celebrate th bountiful blessings we have received. Men and women see this holiday completely different. Women spend hours preparing dishes and getting ready to receive company. Men see it as a day to watch football and eat till their hearts content

 There are some ground rules for this occassion if it is held at my house. 1.) I have six TV's in my home, so don't even think of changing the channel on the one I am watching. 2.) I am a simple man so I like cranberry sauce from the can, regular turkey, and cornbread dressing so don't think of bringing me some new age cooking from Whole Foods. 3.) If dinner is set for 3:00 don't expect us to wait till 5:00 when you arrive. You will have missed the blessing. 4.) If you bring your new boo to dinner don't expect me to entertain them. Visitors need a pass to eat. 5.) If you can't cook don't try to impress me today. Just bring the drinks or some bread. 6.) If you are new age parent and you can't control your kids I will check them. I am from the old school of children should be seen and not heard, especially if they are screaming. 7.) I am from St Louis and hate the Cowboys, so don't root for them if they are on TV. 8.) It is OK to take food when you leave but use a paper plate. Don't even try to walk out with my dishes or tupper ware. 9.) Don't bring your kids Christmas lists over with you. This is Thanksgiving and I will not be discussing Christmas at all. And last but not least 10.) If you have a problem with you sister, cousin, mother or whoever check your drama at the door!
Enjoy the day and remember how blessed you truly are everyday. While we always say the blessing before the meal we should always say it after each meal too.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Heath Care Open Enrollment

It is that time of year when companies and the government have open enrollment for health plan coverage. If  you are lucky enough to still be working, and you company offers these benefits, you may have what is called a Cafeteria Plan. This is where you go down a long list of possible dishes and pick the ones you like. Those folks on who are retired or disabled will need to look at their Medicare, Medicaid, Supplement Plan A, B, or C and various other options that are available. If you watch TV this is presented as a easy and non threatening event. Just turn on your laptop and go to the government website and begin reading and choosing the best option for you. Right!!!!!!!!!
While sitting in my open enrollment session this year I reviewed the various forms that were sent for me to review in advance. The 2013 Insurance Rates, Dental Plan Summary, Dental Plan Enrollment Form, Vision Plan and Summary, and copies of the various Health Care Plans available, based on the contract that my company had signed. First of all there is the issue of what is a PPO, the HDHP (High Deductible Health Plans) both Standard and Enhanced, the HSA (Health Saving Account) and their various options, along with a Salary Redirection Form, so they can get the premiums taken out of my check.
I don't know when heath care became so complicated, but I image he probably occurred when the politicians and capitalist, decided that private industry could do a better job of providing it that the city, states, and federal government. If I got hurt or sick i went to the hospital, they took care of me , and then sent me the bill. Once all the hospitals became "for profit" establishments. insurance became almost mandatory for service, the cost sky rocketed, and the ability to take care of ourselves went down the tubes.
Now I have to figure out my contribution to pay for the insurance plans and also know what the company is kicking in. Some plans have co-pays (what does this really mean?) and deductibles like car insurance. Once I reach my deductible the insurance kicks in at some rate 70%,80%, or maybe even 100% of the cost of health care for the rest of the year. But wait there is a catch. I have to use a doctor or service "in network". So now I have another manual to go through to make sure I going to the right people or facilities that want to pay ball with the health care provider. Also, one must look at the prescription drug clauses, since you can get cut rate costs on some drugs, or generics, depending on which plan you take.
Now I can have one of these plans, but I also need to see if dental or vision coverage is included. If not I need a plan for these. I have to remember these have yearly caps on them, plus some have higher deductibles, may or may not cover the braces or frames fro the glasses I want. Timing is everything  here in terms of when you get things done. There is also the HSA, which is like a saving/credit card account where you can save up money just pay medical bills. This is a way to get enough money saved up pre taxed to pay your deductibles with. Yeah, assuming you have the money. Anything that you don't use is yours to keep, but watch out for Uncle Sam, since there are a variety of tax implications. Since I am over 55 I can even add an additional $1,000 over what most people can have as a maximum contribution. Wow, they call that a "catch up" contribution.
Unfortunately I don't have the time or inclination to scour through all the pamphlets, brochures, and notebooks to learn all I need to know about the plans and health care.  I'll pay the minimum amount for the medical premium, dental, and vision and hope this year that I don't reach my deductible. This year my wife has her own plans from her job so I don't have to pay for a couples plan which would be eight times as much as the single plan. Who would have thunk it.
And some of the people in our government want serior citizens to go out into these shark infested waters and negotiate for the best deal on health care with vouchers? Surely you jest.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Pray for the President

As the election draws near it becomes abundantly clear that we all need to pray for the President. Whomever that may be after next week, they will need our prayers. The bible teaches that we should pray for our leaders, because they will have the responsibility to lead. I can't imagine how, we as a country, could allow those people that represent us to ever voice goals to see the President fail, or to do anything to ensure that he does not see another term, because of who he is or his beliefs. This is the person that the people of the country have giving the authority to lead. To want him to fail is to say that you don't care about the results, and its impact on all those who follow his lead. Would this not be considered traitorous, or at least dispicable behavior during any other times?
The problems that we face as a nation did not start with this President and the last four years, or the last President and those eight years, or even the two Presidents before that. Our problems began in the sixties, beginning with the decision to stop prayer in schools and the taking down of the ten commandments. The very core of our country is established as one nation under God, indivisable, with liberty and justice for all. Yet we started to turn away for God. God was no longer wanted in our lives, outside of the church. Not in school, or work, or business, or the home itself. People were berated for using the term Christmas as a holiday we celebrate. People began to look for ways to satisfy their own inward needs under the name of "my freedom" to do so. We could say whatever I wanted, and do whatever I wanted, whenever we wanted , because we are free to do it.
Just because we can, does not always mean it is right to do. As the country has slide down this slope things have only gotten worst. No politician of government will be able to make our country right, until we look at the core values of our country, and move back towards them. Through the establishment of Christain values, in our homes,schools, justice system, and just by being on the side of right versus might.
All great nations of the past have risen and then fallen. I only pray that we can have a leader who see this, and lead accordingly. We talk about what kind of America we will be leaving for our children. If there is not a change in our culture I can't even imagine. I pray for whomever God "permits" to become President based on our request (votes). One must always be careful for what you ask for, because you may get it. 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Gun Control

The new Batman movie came out this weekend, but the big news was what went on in Colorado at one of the Thursday night sneak previews. A lone gunman went to the midnight premier, got strapped with two glocks, an AK 47, a high powered shotgun, body armor and began shooting people randomly in the theater. No rhyme or reason, looking for no one in particular, children and adults, young and old. Now I know that there is no way to stop these types of incidents from "ever" occurring. Our world is filled with crazy people or just those that can't cope. What I am upset about is the fact that this seemingly innocent looking/acting person can get these types of weapons.

The constitution says you have the right to bear arms. During the time it was written the country was trying to free itself and be come sovereign. I can understand the need to bear arm, during a time of oppression. If you are a hunter I can agree that you might need a gun. But you don't use a glock or AK 47 to shoot Bambi, you use it to shoot people. We should not be selling these types of weapons to citizens or anyone except the military for that matter.

This is what happens with guns. Last week a three year old shot their father on the couch with the gun they found in the home. Is it really worth it? It wouldn't be necessary if we felt the police could protect us. But they can't and the bad guys can get more fire power from the street than they have.

Gun control needs to be strengthened and the NRA needs to get focused guns for sport and help us with getting the sale of guns for killing outlawed. That's just my two cents worth.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fathers Day

Today is Fathers Day. It is a day which has been established to that the dads not the dudes. The real fathers, real men as Tom Joyner would say. I am proud to be a father and my day was filled with best wishes from both of my sons, who live out of town, and my three daughters. There are no step children in my family.  I consider all of the children I have had, or raised as mine, along with their children.

Of course the first person I called, and sent a card to, was my mother. Since she had the task of being both a mother and father to me and my brothers, she deserves to be respected on both occasions. While she could not supply all the information or support of a father, she was the one that built my character. And character is what makes you who you are, no matter what your circumstance.

As a  father I was not always there for all my children, but I believe they all know that I did my best for them. I wasn't easy on them or tried to be their friend. I loved them and I wanted them to know they had to work to succeed. I would tell them that my job was to work to feed them, cloth them, and have a place for them to stay. Their job was to go to school to learn, graduate, and move out, to face the world on their own. I tried not to transfer my fears on to them, but allow them to have their own self worth and confidence. 

To be a good father you have to be consistent. You have to work with your children and lead by example. Many kids what to have things without effort, and that does not work. You have to provide discipline, but always have their backs when they can't do it alone. Like Christians need God, you never want to go into a fight without the father. 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

In's and Outs

One of the differences I have with  my wife is that she is an extrovert with introvert tendencies while I am an introvert with extrovert tendencies. We were made for each other. It amazes me that she can say whatever comes to her mind. For example, she has no reluctance to give the server at a restaurant her "full"opinion when asked the question "How is everything?" She'll let the cashier in the checkout lane know that she is tired, because she just came back from vacation, and could she bag everything just the way she wants it for easy unloading at home. The most obvious thing though is her ability to talk to other drivers, who invariably cannot hear her.

I'm looking at this with awe as I have these inner conversations with myself continuously throughout the day. I am, if nothing else, a reflective person who discusses these issues with myself versus others. I don't wish to provide information on myself or my activities unless I chose to be in a conversation with someone who I think needs to know. I am like the proverbial comic book character with the cloud coming out of their head with what they are thinking inside.

This difference can sometimes be frustrating, particularly when both of us are at our extremes. Fortunately we have learned to understand how to coexist and support each other. I have learned when not to speak and when she is looking for support from me, and she has learned that my silence does not always mean agreement of disapproval. When we are in sync though, it is a lovely thing.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

For Richer or Poorer

It is hard to watch the demise of our great country, but I feel that is what is happening. I see a lack of moral integrity, values and an attitude of you against me at every level. Our justice system is broke along with our legal system. Systems in general such as education, government, business, infra structure, and the list goes on and on, have taken a back seat to racism, politics, and greed.

The most prosperous country in the world, the land of the free, has more people incarcerated than any other country in the world. More than 2.4 million. The cost of housing an inmate in America for a year , $60-$80 thousand depending on where you live, would pay for another teacher, policeman,or a fireman. How about a serious government war on poverty,so that in the most prosperous country in the world all children can have a decent meal everyday.

The USA has had many causes during my life. Most have been implemented by rich Republicans. Richard Nixon, or tricky Dick, started the war on drugs in the sixties and we are still paying for it today. This is when the prison rates began to increase, and what happens when you don't have a plan that is well thought out. There was Ronald Reagan and his trickle down economics. It did just that, trickled down and some where left without entirely. Most recently have been the Bush's, father and son. The son was the worst of the two and I'm sure history will prove me right. The war on terror. Ill conceived, costing billions, making many rich folks richer, with no end in sight. Cut the  taxes, raise the spending, hide  the theft. Wall street went wild with the ability to make the rich richer, as they turned a blind eye, and scam the rest of the population.

I don't really understand how the party that was in power when all this was going on can blame anyone else, and say that they have the answer to fix the problem they created. Even if things haven't turned around completely,the idea of saying  we should have let the banks fail, or let the auto industry fail, or let millions go without health care has to be the rhetoric of the rich who are not worried about for their families.

President Obama has accomplished, at least in my mind, many things during his first term. A term that started with the worst possible state of affairs any president outside of Franklin Roosevelt ever had to handle. His quest to increase revenue, reduce the debt and create jobs to help average Americans, has been met with disrespect from the beginning, with the yelling out in his "first" state of the union address with "you lie." How would George Bush and his gang have reacted?

Anyway it's not about Mitt Romney,President Obama, Republicans, Democrats, Liberals, Conservative, Black or White. It's about haves versus have nots plain and simple, and it is getting worst. It's about my grand children Yasira, Daquan, Makenna, and what kind of America they will live in. Will it be no longer one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. What do you think?

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Happy Easter to everyone. Easter day is the Commemoration of the Resurrection of Jesus, with its promise of eternal life. I have been going to church all my life and Easter, like Christmas has always been one of my happiest family times. As I have grown older Resurrection Sunday take on greater meaning.This year though I asked myself what is this thing called Easter? Where did it come from? What's up with the bunny and the eggs?

I found out that Easter comes from a pagan festival commemorating their goddess of offspring and of springtime, Eastre. When the second-century Christian missionaries encountered the tribes of the north with their pagan celebrations, they attempted to convert them to Christianity. It would have been suicide for the very early Christian converts to celebrate their holy days with observances that did not coincide with celebrations that already existed. As it happened, the pagan festival of Eastre occurred at the same time of year as the Christian observance of the Resurrection of Christ. It made sense, therefore, to alter the festival itself, to make it a Christian celebration as converts were slowly won over. The early name, Eastre, was eventually changed to its modern spelling, Easter.

Rabbits are reminder of spring and new life. They were the favorite animal of the spring goddess Eastre. So that's where the rabbit came from. Eggs are a symbol of spring as well as Easter. They are a sign of new life.As kids we went on Easter egg hunts to fine colorful eggs for our baskets. Later we stopped doing the egg hunting thing and just got thee baskets from the store with  candy and chocolate eggs already in them.  The lily was a reminder to the Christians of how Jesus came back to life. The white Easter Lily is used in many Easter services. It is supposed to be a symbol of the purity of the Virgin Mary. And probably the fortieth time I watched Charleston Heston play Moses in the Ten Commandments the night before Easter.

Today is a day to review our lives and renew our commitment to Jesus Christ. To remember what Easter is really about. Let's open our hearts to God,who is not just with us at church and on these holidays, but walks with us everyday on the common roads of life.  

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Battle of the Bluegrass

Well the Battle of the Bluegrass is over. The University of Kentucky defeated the University of Louisville in a great NCAA Final Four match up. There were U of L fans in red and U of K fans in blue. All supporting their team. It's funny how a lot of things in life are addressed as red against blue. The Bloods versus the Crips, the Republicans versus the Democrats, the Poor versus the Rich, and many more. As in politics some of the fans are inflexible, and it is either Louisville or Kentucky, and there is no compromise. Even as with politics a positive result, no matter which team, would be good for the state and everyone will win.

In the end U of K prevailed and showed that they had the better team with better talent. The final score was 69 to 61, and Louisville never conceded defeat until the end. Both coaches were gracious at the end of the game complimenting their adversary. Both agree that the University of Kentucky will now be the representative of the bluegrass state in the championship game.

Another interesting thing that comes to mind is the change in both coaches. My pastor referred to it as Forever Easter. On the weekend of palm Sunday we look towards Easter and resurrection. John Calipari is a great coach in my opinion, having demonstrated his skills at several schools. However, he has faced adversity and was broken down by the scandal at both the schools he has taken to the Final Four. Allegations of cheating and games wiped out during his tenure. He was at the top of his game and then he was broken down. He is now humble and a community giver. He now be in for his resurrection to the level of champion with his current group of young men.

Rick Petino was also at the top of his game. he had it going on and surely believed he was something. But like others be was broken. Broken first by the loss of his brother in law and one of his best friends on 9/11. His team with two lottery picks and ranked #1 in the NCAA tournament eliminated in the final four. And then ,worst of all a scandal based on infidelity and extortion that was laid open by the media for all to critique. But I think Rick has been resurrected and is now a better man and happier man. He didn't have the best team but he had a team with a good heart. I believe God took him where he couldn't have gone by himself.

Life is funny and should be a joy. Rev. Cosby says that "When it's a self thing, it's forced, but when it's a God thing it flows" and I believe him.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Death of a Star

A lot of celebrities have passed away recently including Etta James, Don Cornelius of Soul Train fame, Davy Jones of the Monkees, and several others. The biggest name of them all was Whitney Houston. The singer with the fabulous voice who has given us many great songs over the last two decades. She died young and unexpectedly, just before her industries greatest show, the Grammy's.

The way the media treats the death of these mega stars is interesting. It becomes big news which is discussed and talked about over and over, with many twists and turns. How did it happen, why did it happen, look at what the world has lost, such a great talent. Many of these stars have the same human frailties as the rest of us common folks. While it was a loss, as any life is, but I didn't know Whitney, and I doubt she cared much about me, so I didn't shed any tears. While initially the funeral was going to be a family and close friends affair, eventually it was open to the media so that all America could see and say goodbye. I took a pass.

That same week I lost a friend of mine who I had know far many years. His name was Clarence Slaughter. I became a friend of Clarence in the 70's when we worked the streets as salesmen for competing tobacco companies. We met at the same clubs after work, created a social club, chased women, and pretty much had a great time. Even after I moved away from St. Louis we kept in touch. Clarence never married and continued his drinking and carousing long into his fifties, so when I heard he had passed it was not a real surprise, since he was not in the best of health. I felt the loss of Clarence, who I couldn't even find an obituary for in the local paper, than for Whitney whose life seemed so full and rich.

I cry for the victims of the hurricane that recently swept through KY and IN. While I didn't know any of them, I felt a connection I could never feel with our media stars. When one passes on I guess the only thing you can hope for is to be remembered. All of us have a gift, some that is more evident like a singer or athlete. Others like Clarence just may have been able to touch someone like me, in a way I will never forget, just by being who they were.       R.I.P.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I'm Just A Salesman

I've been watching the Occupy movement for awhile now and I think I've got it figured out. I was confused because I didn't know what they wanted when they started with the Occupy Wall Street protest . I understood that the 99% was a representation of regular Americans who aren't classified as rich, or the opposite of the 1%  that is represented by Wall Street. They riped us off, causing the recession for the most part due to the housing collapse, which was caused by greedy banks and financial institutions. Corporate CEO's ran their companies into great debt while building large bonuses and salaries for themselves. Then all of these guys got a bailout by the tax payers. Ok, I get it. Those who where out of a job and home now think something should be done and wanted to be heard.

What I couldn't understand was who was leading the protest and what exactly did they want to happen. During the civil rights movement, there were marches, sit in's, and similar Occupy events. However, all of them were tied to a central theme of providing civil rights equally to all people, and each one had a distinct issue they were protesting to be changed. I see none of this with the Occupy movement. After Occupy Wallstreet, there have been other Occupy events. Currently there are several Occupy events against city or state government. Most recently there was an Occupy The Superbowl event to protest something. I don't have a clue what that was about. Then there was an Occupy Indianapolis to protest the signing of a new Right to Work law in Indiana.

And that's when it hit me. The Occupy movement is not to be confused with the civil rights, or pro life, or even the tea party agenda. The Occupy movement does not need a leader or central core. Basically it is just a campaign to use the media to bring attention to "whatever" you are unhappy about and feel should be changed. You don't need to have a solution, because you just  want to be heard and seen by others, who may join you, or who may look for a way to "make you go away." Use the internet, use twitter, facebook to schedule an event and voice your cause and we will see how many others show up.  These are people who feel strongly that they have a right to let officials and others know how they feel, and they do. However, I should not be looking for answers from them.

I say all this because I feel I'm pretty well informed on the state of affairs our country is in these days. I read the newspaper every morning, watch the local and national news daily, and as customary these days, get my share of online updates. However, these are just my opinions and  after all, I am just a salesman.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Superbowl Sunday

Since the NFL and the AFL merged I have watch every Superbowl game on TV. I remember the first two with the Greenbay Packers, Joe Namath predicting a win, Doug Williams the first black quarterback to win a Superbowl, the Steeler, the Cowboy, and the 49er dynasties. So when I watched the game this weekend between the Giants and the Patriots I was not overly impressed.

It was a good football game, with both teams playing hard and going down to the last possession. I think that what I miss most about these games now is that I miss the rivalry and the star power that it once had. While there are players of a high caliber on the teams, and usually just a few standouts, the old championships seemed to pit more hall of fame type players against one another. Who on the Giants team can be considered hall of fame worthy at this time? Same can be said for the Patriots, with perhaps the exception of Tom Brady. Will I remember them years from now like I do Lynn Swan, Jerry Rice, Franco Harris, Joe Montana, Fran Tarkenton, and others.

Today, almost as much enjoyment is gained from watching the commercials to see if there is one that comes out as a true winner. For me this year it was the Doritos commercials. The halftime show with Madonna was a spectacle that I appreciated just for the amount of effort and coordination it must have taken to put it on. watching Madonna vogue was not very exciting for me. WhileI have never been in person, I can see where this could be a memorable event to those in attendance.

The Superbowl is a great American event, but for me I'll take the NCAA basketball March Madness any day.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Big Momma

I recently attended a recognition luncheon at my church to salute big mommas, the matriarchs of the family. Nominations had been submitted to our African American newspaper, The Louisville Defender, by family  members to recognize these impressive women who have been the backbone of their families and the community. During the ceremonies, where these women were recognized and awarded plaques and bouquets of roses, I thought of how times have changed.  I was glad I was able to be there and wished that my mother could have been there.

I remembered my big momma, who was my grandmother. Most big mommas in my day were grandmothers and they had some age on them. We were taught to respect our elders, because they had earned that right and we were just children, who really didn't know anything. Big momma told you how things were and you knew that she was in control of everything that went on in her house. If she told you to "close that door, you're  letting my heat out" or  "take that hat off in my house, you weren't born in a barn" you had better do it in a hurry. Big momma did not play. She was always there when times were tough to encourage you and tell you what you were capable of doing. Sometimes if you didn't have a big momma you could adopt one from one of your friends. Big mommas were glad to share with anyone who needed a little knowledge dropped on them. And you definitely could have more than one.

Today, part of our problem is that we are losing big momma. As our babies are having babies, some of our younger grandmothers now don't want to be called big momma. They also haven't learned the lessons that need to be passed on to their children to show them the way. In many cases those that have had to struggle now have to directly raise their grandchildren. Momma is now Pam and big momma is just called momma. Black or white, it is the spirit and the bond of a mother that shapes each of us. None us us should wait until we are old enough to understand the lessons that they tried to teach us, before we recognize them.

Remember, dead noses don't smell roses.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Don't Forget The Trip

Today we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr's birthday. Dr King was born January 15,1929 and was killed April 4, 1968. During my childhood growing up in St. Louis I remember all of the civil rights movement. I remember it because it was the first revolution that was shown on television. The new medium that brought current events right into your home. I knew of racism and discrimination. While not as harsh as in the far south I could see and feel it everyday, as I lived in a segregated world, and tried to navigate through a world that was run by another race.

The civil rights movement had it's on feel for me as a kid. I saw what was happening to people of color but I was somehow removed. Then I knew why and what people were fighting for, but I was not there. I saw the different leaders and how different they were. Dr King preached non violence and his marches were peaceful forms of civil disobedience. These were met with brutality, yet he continued to press on by faith. Malcom X , the Black Panthers, and others said that civil rights  should be taken by any means  necessary. There were many others to speak but Dr. King's was the strongest beacon of hope. Slowly progress was being made and the I Have A Dream speech galvanized a nation.I wonder about the Occupy Wallstreet movement of today. Are they are trying to protest the wrong caused by the greed of wall street or do they have a bigger cause in mind for all people? If so what is it? How will we know if we make progress? Can they succeed without a champion?

I remember when John F Kennedy was assassinated and many thought that the change for change was gone. However, it wasn't a president from Boston that stepped forward, but a vice president Lyndon B Johnson, from Texas no less, that moved forward to sign some of the most significant civil rights legislature in out history. Dr King preached for the civil rights of everyone, not just African Americans, even if it seemed that way. When Dr King was assassinated in Memphis in 1968 the African American community exhaled, and while things were better, wondered what  will happen next. It was very profound impact on me. The Viet Nam war was still going on and I was enrolled in college,though not thoroughly engaged. Many African Americans were either being drafted or joining the service as a means to a better way of life. I dropped out of school and after working for a while joined the Air Force in May of the next year.

On this holiday where we recognize Dr. Martin Luther King I try not to forget the struggle and the sacrifices that he and those with him went through to travel up the mountain. I try not to forget the journey. He gave the ultimate sacrifice to live by his principles and to make the world a better place for all men. It disturbs me that even today when a question is posted on Twitter, "What do you think of Martin Luther King?" that there are people who  will sit behind the safety and anonymity of their computers and say racist and foul things about him. If you don't believe me, check it out for yourself.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Naked As A Jaybird

With the start of 2012, one of the pressing questions for most people is "What is wrong with America?". There is no single answer and I hope to discuss some of my thoughts throughout the year. One thing that is for sure is that we just don't make things in America anymore. I don't know if this trend started with the new "information technology age", or with Republican trade and tax policies, or just with the greed of corporate America to make more profits by going to places with cheaper labor costs and taxes. I have heard the term "buy American" by many groups, hoping to spark the economy and grow jobs. I thought I would try it, so I went to my closet to see where I stood so far. I was amazed. Based on what I found, even though I was buying from American companies, almost all my cloths were made or assembled someplace else.

I started with pants. My Levi blue jeans were made in Mexico, and somewhere I had never heard of, Lesotho. My Chaps were made in Egypt, Old Navy made in the Dominican Republic & the Philippines, Dockers in Thailand, Eddie Bauer in the Dominican Republic, Hager in Guatemala, and even my dress pants from Bill  Blass and Murano were made in Mexico. 

I then moved on to the shirts. Again Arrow, who advertise as being a USA company since 1851, makes their shirts in Bangladesh & Viet Nam , Kenneth Cole made in China, Croft & Barrow made in Taiwan, Jos. A. Banks made in the Philippines, Van Heusen made in Viet Nam, The Express made in Indonesia, and Eddie Bauer made in Hong Kong. Even my Bubba Gump Shrimp t-shirt was made in Honduras.

In the shoe category my Rockports were made in China, my Nikes made in Thailand, my beloved Florsheims made in India, my Bostonians made in China, and even the Giorgio Brutinis purchased at the Shoe Carnival were made in China (not even Italy).

Even my underwear was not made in America. Hanes T-shirts made in Haiti, Jockey shorts made in Honduras, and the ever popular Fruit of the Looms made in El Salvadore.

Based on this unscientific assessment, if I had to wear only made in America clothing I would be, as my mother used  to say, "naked as a jaybird." If you are not familiar with men's clothes, check out your own closet and see if you find any surprises. This onslaught of foreign made products does not stop with clothes but is apparent in almost everything that we buy. Even the walker that I got at the hospital to use with my hip replacement was made in China, TV's and the power tools I just bought at Sears no less, were made in China. Even "this" computer used to compose this posting, that I purchased from Dell, hailed as a great American success story, was "made in China".

If you are not making anything, you had better have something to sell that everyone wants or needs. Right now we are not filling that bill either.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Happy New Year. "This is the day that the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it" Psalms 118:24
I feel truly blessed to have made in through another year and to have awaken to another day. There were many who did not make it to 2012. My Pastor, Dr.Kevin Cosby, preached on the topic of time today, and it really brought home a message. All of us have the same amount of time to work with, 86,400 seconds in a day. We cannot carry any over and we can't get it back once it is used. Because of this we should be guardful of each and every day to maximize our time and focus our lives and energies on those things that give the highest return.

On several occasions my wife has said to me that she didn't have time to do something, or that she was too busy. I tell her that she has the same amount of time as everyone else. It is just a matter of how you chose to use it. We spend too much time doing second things first. A lot of time it is because of how we set our priorities. We waste time on secondary issues or with people that don't result in the achievement of anything. Rev Cosby noted that the mistakes we make with time are 1.) We overexaggerate yesterday 2.) we overestimate tomorrow, and 3.) we underestimate today. Today is the day to rejoice in and not be burdened by what happened yesterday or fearful of what will happen tomorrow.

The year 2011 had a lot of blessings and a lot of burdens.  Our daughter obtained her associate degree in medical coding, yet still has not found a job. The kitchen remodeling project was completed but bills have not been paid. I still am employed , but no raises or bonus received at work, while the recession continues to cut into my 401K. But, I know that I am blessed  and I am grateful for today. I look back over my life and I could be a drunk, into drugs, in jail, or just not here, like some of the people I grew up with. I don't make new year's resolutions anymore. Yes, I have goals for the year, things I want to do before the end of the year and in a positive manner. But I will keep my agenda in mind each day and be glad in it.